Chapter 24 - Stay With Me

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I stood and gaped at it, shivering slightly at the bad memory of me and hollows. I was just about to grab a rock and run towards it, because, for all we knew, I was the only person who could see it, when I felt a strong arm around my waist, and Enoch's stern voice in my ear. "No, (Y/N)," he hissed, "I'm not letting you kill yourself by running at danger. Stay behind that tree..." He pointed to a nearby oak tree and I wriggled out of his hold. "What, and watch as you all go and fight it, maybe getting yourself killed? Not fucking likely, Enoch." I grabbed the rock and ran at the hollow, ignoring Enoch's shouts of warning behind me.

I reached Emma and caught my breath next to her. "What the hell do we do?"
For the first time since I'd known her, she looked as if she had no answer. "I - I don't know..." There were footsteps behind us, and I turned to see Miss Peregrine running, somehow still prudently, behind us, shouting at us to move out of the way. Emma hesitated, and then ran to the safety of Jacob, who was wearing a dumbfounded and terrified look on his face. But I wasn't so sure. I, out of everybody, had the biggest chance of defeating the hollow, with my ability to see it, so, naturally I stayed. The Headmistress caught up with me, still shouting for me to get to safety, but I ignored her, and instead ram closer to the hollow. I raised my arm and threw the rock I was holding.

It landed bang in the middle of the creature's forehead, making it roar, then stumble, grabbing onto a tree for balance. I sighed, relieved, and turned to run away, believing that I'd killed it, or at least knocked it out. I only realised that was not the case when something wrapped around my waist, and this time it wasn't Enoch's arm. It was a long, slimy tongue, and it was strong, very strong. I was jerked into the air, screaming, and, in my distress, I caught sight of Enoch, his face screwed up with shouting and yelling, trying to get out of Millard's grip and run to help me.
The hollow played with me for a while, flinging me around over it's head, before finally lowering me into its jaws. This is the end, I thought. The end of my 16 year life. And a not so great one at that. Well, that wasn't entirely true. I'd met Enoch, after all.
I quickly made a silent prayer to a god that I wasn't entirely sure I believed in, before closing my eyes and waiting for the inevitable.
Which never came.
The hollow that was holding me stiffened with an intake of raspy breath, before collapsing to the floor, dropping me in the process. I landed, rather unfortunately, on the side of my leg, causing me to tell in pain, and rolling over onto my side, with great trouble. Tears of pain started to roll down my cheeks, and my vision became blurry. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Enoch, kneeling down by my side and caressing my face, saying my name.
"(Y/N). (Y/N), stay with me, please..."

I woke up in a bed that didn't feel like my own, with someone else

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I woke up in a bed that didn't feel like my own, with someone else. Someone who didn't feel like my stuffed bear, Betty. I groaned and rolled over, dreading that moment when my alarm would go off and I would have to get ready for the hell that the government likes us to call 'school'. I snuggled deeper into the mysterious person, before opening my eyes, realisation dawning on me. This was not Cornwall. This was Cairnholm, in 1940, and I was in a loop, because I was peculiar. That would mean that the person lying next to me, both arms around my body, would be... Enoch. I squinted at him, before smiling at his peaceful expression, something that is scarcely seen when he's not asleep. His skin looked so soft, that I just wanted to reach up and touch it, kiss it, anything, but I didn't want to wake him. So I closed my eyes and went to sleep again, safe in his arms.

I didn't sleep for long however, because, before long, I heard a groan similar to my own, and felt Enoch stretch and writhe around on the bed as he accustomed himself again to being awake. I propped myself up on one elbow and smiled at him. "Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Enoch collapsed back onto the mattress, with arms outstretched, and snorted. "I suppose it would have been a perfect night if I didn't spend it struggling to breathe due to the unnatural amount of female hair in my mouth, or the fact that somebody else's body was tucked so close to mine that I couldn't possibly move."
"Don't lie to yourself, O'Connor. You love it really, and anyway, no-one asked you to hold me through the night. That was all of your own accord."
He grunted. "Well... Yes. Come on, I'm hungry. Let's go get some breakfast."
I threw the covers off and was just about to swing my legs out of bed when I saw a hard cast on my left leg, and my eyes widened.
"Oh. That may not be possible."

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