Chapter 34 - Disobeyed

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I awaited her return expectantly, but no-one ever did. Well, Emma didn't. Before long, it was time for dinner, and Olive had come to fetch me. As we walked down to the dining room, she questioned me about what it was like to be in a relationship.
"Have you ever hugged Enoch?" she said excitedly, and I laughed.
"Of course... Nearly every day, actually."
"Enoch isn't really a very huggy person. He must really like you... Oh my goodness. Have you... Have you ever kissed?" She whispered the last part like saying it was one of the mortal sins.
"Yes..." I didn't tell her how sure I was that if Claire hadn't called 'fire', I would've lost my virginity this morning. I'm pretty sure it would've been to immense for her young brain to handle. "Anyway, dear, aren't you hungry? We should get a move on!"

I was almost dreading reaching the dining room, because, obviously, I would have to sit somewhere else other than next to Enoch. I hadn't done that since we had got back together. Sure, call me clingy, but... Well, I'm a tad socially awkward. But, surprisingly, when I walked in, he wasn't looking as glum as I felt. In fact, he looked rather radiant.

Miss Peregrine smiled sweetly as we walked in, and I found it difficult to not snarl at her. Instead, I took the empty seat next to Bronwyn, where Emma had swapped with me. She too looked happy, and... Was that amusement on her face? What was going on? Before I could think about this, however, Enoch stood up and addressed me.

"(Y/N), can I just say how lovely you look today. That dress is really nice."
This was very unlike him. "Um... thanks Enoch?"
"However, I think it would look much better on the floor of my basement," he said loudly, sitting down again with a slight smirk. Admittedly, I had to stop my jaw from dropping open. Yes, Enoch had said stuff like this to me before, teasingly, but that was always when no-one else was listening... And now, at this very moment, everybody could hear.

I turned to the Headmistress to check her reaction. Yup, she was livid alright. But she wasn't saying anything... Yet. Maybe this plan would work after all? I gave a quick glance to Enoch, smiling as he licked his lips and winked back at me. God, it was only the first day and I wanted to die if I had to live without him.
"Mr O'Connor, clear the table. Now." Miss Peregrine said sharply. I raised an eyebrow; Enoch hadn't finished eating... And Miss P was never the kind of person to deny one of her precious wards food. I guess it was punishment for the inappropriate comment, despite the fact that, to me, it was one of the most flattering things someone has ever said to me.
Sure enough, Enoch stood up and made to clear the plates. I then realised that he'd have to come close to me to collect my plate, and I awaited the small amount of physical contact that he would undoubtedly manage to give me without the Headmistress knowing. As he bent over my chair, I thought we'd gotten away with it. The Bird hadn't realised he was closer than a metre to me, and maybe she wouldn't notice the side of his body pressed into mine, or his hand tugging on my hair slightly as he lifted my plate.
Whoops. Spoke too soon. Again.
She lifted her head just as Enoch had slid his hand down my neck subtly, and I could feel the rage emitting itself from her.
"Right," she hissed, "That is another week added onto your punishment. Mr O'Connor, I will repeat my previous order: clear the table."
My boyfriend stiffened and grabbed my plate irritably, before storming through to the kitchen. I heard the loud clang of plates against the worktop and winced as I saw Miss Peregrine exhale heavily.
One thing was for sure: Enoch and I were not in our ymbryne's good books.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now