Road Trip

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"Ashley this is crazy.  You're going to make me ride 8 hours with you in the car so you can go watch ONE match and MAYBE talk to Jon?"

"Please?  This is important to me Tina. It's a total long shot, but I really need to do this."

She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. We were driving down I-70 towards Philadelphia. I looked up wrestling companies based in Pennsylvania and came up with CZW. I had no idea if that is what Josh was telling me, but I had to find out in case. We drove for several hours listening to music. Half way through we traded off. I sat in the passenger seat listening to Every Avenue when the song "Story Left Untold" came on. A few stray tears fell and I quickly wiped them away. I was really anxious and nervous. I had waited a few weeks before making the decision to do this. I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. It had been so long since we'd seen each other. So long since that night I found him with that girl. Tina pulled over at a gas station just outside of Pennsylvania. 

"You drive the rest of the way. I'm tired and I don't like that we're doing this."

"Tina...please try to understand why I'm doing it."

"I know why and it's stupid."

I rolled my eyes. She didn't understand and never would. I only brought her along because I wasn't comfortable driving this far alone. I pulled up the event location on my cell phone and then went to map quest for directions. I started to drive and my palms were getting sweaty. We pulled up to this park in the middle of nowhere. There was a small crowd and very few seats left. We were allowed in and we sat in the back...well as far back as we could. I didn't know what to expect. Music hit and there was Jon. He looked different and he was obviously hated because people were booing. Too bad I didn't know squat about this stuff so I could use the correct terminology. Then his opponent came out. It started out so weird and random, but it quickly turned violent. This was unlike anything I'd ever seen. Forks were being used as weapons. People were screaming for the other guy to kill Jon. I was having a hard time watching this. I looked over at Tina and her eyes had bugged out of her head. I looked back over to see that the other guy was choking Jon with his belt and he was hanging over the side of the ring. Blood was everywhere and all I could do was cover my mouth with my hand. I was horrified. I didn't know that he was into this hardcore stuff. There was glass and barbed wire and metal chairs. It was like a giant death match or something. I couldn't even watch the end of the match. I just knew from the ring announcer that Jon had won.  

I immediately got up from my seat and sucked back a cigarette in no time at all. That match stressed me out to the max. Tina even took a drag off of it. We walked towards the "back" area and I stopped and pulled out another cigarette...this was a bad day. I didn't normally smoke like this. I didn't think I'd get very far with the security, but I tried anyway

"Can I talk to Jon?"


I sighed.  What name was he using here? I didn't even know. I froze and he just stared at me. Just as he was about to tell me to get lost Tina chimed in

"Moxley...she's looking for Jon Moxley"  

She looked over at me and shrugged her shoulders giving me a face like I was an idiot

"My God Ashley you came all this way and you weren't even paying attention to the name he was using now?"

I smiled my best smile and batted my eyes hoping that he would let me go back there based on being cute alone. He looked at me funny for a minute and the motioned for me to follow him. It suddenly became VERY real and my heart was pounding in my chest. I took a deep breath and let it out

"Stay calm Ashley."

"I know Tina. I'm trying. I'm nervous."

There was a group of them sitting around in chairs smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. I took a drag off of my cigarette and waited. The security guy stopped us short of the group. I turned my back to the group and put my head on Tina's shoulder

"Turn around Ashley. I'm not the one who's here to see are"

"Mox...someone's looking for you."

He pointed at us. Jon looked up. He had cleaned up a bit but was still bloody, shirtless and in a pair of jeans. I locked eyes with his for a second and smiled. He looked at me like he had seen a ghost. He smiled and started walking towards me. I couldn't take standing there so I dropped my purse and started rushing over to him. He put his arms around me and lifted me up

"Ashley! I've missed you!!"

I grinned from ear to ear hearing that. He put me down and took a step back and stared at me for a second. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I read the card you left for me. I had to come see you. I know you were at my graduation. Why didn't you stay?"

"Because of everything that happened. And because I know how Josh feels about you and I didn't want to take that away from him."

"Can we go somewhere and talk please. I have been desperate to talk to you for a very very long time."

Wicked Game (Dean Ambrose Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora