Tracking Her Down

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Jon's POV:

I needed to track Ashley down. I really wanted to talk to her so I could clear the air about what happened that night. I don't even know if she cares anymore. It's been so long. But I just need to talk to her. I knew we were going through Ohio so I asked to drive. Colby wasn't one to let others drive, but he obliged. I think he knew the reason why. I hadn't been back in ages and it appears nothing has changed.  I pulled up to this house in a really nice neighborhood "What the hell? CJ lives here?" and got out of the car. I checked the paper I wrote the address on to make sure I was at the right house. It seriously did not match where I pictured CJ living. 

"You guys sure it's OK I stop for a bit? I haven't been home in a long time and I wanted to see a couple people."

"It's fine."

We walked up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and it played that ultra snooty chime "are you kidding me?" I made a face at it and waited. Tina answered and practically jumped on me. For someone that used to hate my guts for everything I did to Ashley she sure was happy to see me. She invited us in and it reminded me of one of those fancy houses where you can't touch anything and you're only allowed in certain parts of the house. All they were practically missing was a maid and butler...oh wait...there's the maid....figures. We walked into the living room and there was CJ sitting on some expensive white couch and nothing about any of this matched his personality at all. I knew exactly who called the shots around here


"Hey...what the hell is this shit?"  

I said looking around and making a face. He rolled his eyes and pointed at Tina. 

"We're kind of surprised you dropped in for a visit. Any reason?"

"Uh not really. I just wanted to say Hi."

"OK. Well, I'll be right back with some water."

I noticed some pictures on the mantle so I got up and looked at them

"Tina, how old is this picture of you and Ashley?"

She came back and looked at the picture and smiled

"That's 8th grade graduation. As you can see she was thrilled. Her dad showed up drunk and embarrassed her. And she had a crazy thing happen the night before with that psycho guy from upstairs so that's the best 'smile' we could get from her. I keep it because her face makes me laugh...which I know seems really mean, but she laughs at it too."

"You guys didn't go to the same high school?"

"Not at first. You two did though. Did you know that? She went to the same high school as you freshman and sophomore year.  When CPS came and took her from her dad and made her live with her grandma for a while she transferred schools.  When she went back to her dad she stayed at the school with me and had to ride the bus and walk every day."

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