London Bridge

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I finished off my beer before heading back in the door. I felt like eyes were on me and sure enough when I turned around there he was staring at me from my car. I hope he doesn't break into my car while I'm in here.  I decided that I just didn't give a shit anymore and drank the first cup handed to me when I walked in the door. Oh God it's Jager! I made a face and chugged it anyway. I couldn't find Tina anywhere. My assumption is she found some other hot guy to hook up with. Sometimes I wish I had her personality. I went back to the spot I was at earlier and cracked another beer. I figure if I had to be here alone now that Tina has gone missing I might as well drink to loosen up a bit. I had to be sociable as much as I didn't want to. Tina came stumbling over to me and threw her arm around my neck

"You are the best friend ever."  

She was slurring and just reeked of liquor. Once again no regard for her own well being. 

"You know you came here to this party to help me meet this guy...who turned out to be a jerk by the way...and you didn't even want to be here. And....I LOVE THIS SONG!!!"

I had to admit I liked the song ("London Bridge" by Fergie) too, but I wasn't drunk enough to embarrass myself like Tina was. She came over and started dancing with me and I figured that since I didn't know a single person here that it didn't matter. I felt an arm around my waist and I turned around. It was Jon. I smiled and tried to pull away. He pulled me closer Oh it's like that huh? Well, I can always screw around with him for a while. Why not?  I knew better, but what was the harm? I was never going to see any of these people again. Tina was too far gone to notice that I was basically dry humping the guy she originally came here to see. I guess in a way that probably made me a bad friend, but my excuse can always be we were too drunk to know the difference. I threw my arms around his neck and started dancing provocatively. Half way through the song it had turned into a full on make out session right there in the middle of the party. I pulled away for air and stared into his blue eyes. He smiled and took me by the hand up the stairs.  

We reached the top of the stairs and my shirt was already coming off. This was not exactly how I planned for my evening to go, but I wasn't protesting either. He led me into a room and closed the door and took off his shirt. My heart was pounding in my chest. He backed me up against a wall and lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. We kissed with almost a desperation behind it. He broke away and started trailing kisses and lightly nibbled on my neck. I was freaking out inside. This was starting to get a little too serious for two people who'd known each other a grand total of 15 minutes. I wanted to stop him, but at the same time I didn't. There was a flurry of things running through my head as he reached behind and unhooked my bra. I bit my lower lip and let out a little whimper as he pressed himself against me. What the hell was I doing? I was enjoying this entirely too much. This was not me. Not my personality at all. This is the kind of thing Tina does. But I couldn't bring myself to stop him....I didn't want him to stop. He pulled us from against the wall and let me down. I fumbled with the button on his pants as he smiled behind his kiss. I blushed and smiled. We walked across the room with the rest of our clothes coming off. I fell backwards onto the bed. I was really starting to freak out. My heart was about to leap out of my chest. He climbed on top of me and pinned my hands above me. I closed my eyes tight and turned my head away....


He let go of my hands and backed away a bit. I opened one eye and then turned my head back. I was seriously embarrassed, and he looked at me puzzled



I couldn't find a way to say it so I just blurted it out

"This is my first time...."

He smirked at me and kind of chuckled  "Seriously?"

I nodded

"Well, I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to you tell me..."

I didn't know why I bothered to tell him. I was just freaking out. Maybe it's because this wasn't exactly how I pictured it, but then again life isn't a fairy tale. And I actually kind of liked him....or I liked what he was doing. 

"I...maybe I shouldn't have said anything....I'm sorry..."

"It's fine...don't be sorry. I told's up to you"

I didn't want him to stop. I looked him in the eyes waiting for him to tell me what to do. I didn't want to be the one to make the decision. He smiled at me and moved my hair out of my eyes.

"Why do you cover your eyes like that?  They're too pretty to cover up."

I shyly smiled. Screw it...just do know you want to  I sat up and crashed my lips to his. He kissed back, but gentler this time. He stopped for a second and raised an eye brow at me

"You're sure?"

I nodded. "Here's hoping this doesn't turn into a colossal mistake." 

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