While The Cat's Away

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I needed to make a few adjustments to my lesson plan. I was kind of glad I was alone for this because this has turned into a full blown project that I wanted to be able to concentrate on. We've just come back from our Christmas break and it's time to start teaching about the Egyptians. SO I decided that we're going to make a big pyramid mural group project thing. In fact the whole next two weeks is devoted to Egypt so we're doing hieroglyphics and all that fun stuff. Jon was in Germany right now working some matches. He's really been working hard and putting his body on the line lately. I feel awful when he comes home covered in cuts and bruises and he's sore all of the time. He promises he knows what he's doing, but I just don't feel like it's worth it. But it is to him and so I support it the best I can. I won't go see him wrestle. I refuse. I went one time and became so upset with how violent it got that I had to leave. It's probably better that way anyway. I looked down and was distracted by the heart shaped rose gold promise ring he gave me for Christmas. I was so excited. This was by far the best Christmas I'd ever had. We didn't do anything. We just sat around eating cookies and watching cheesy old Christmas movies on TV. We had a crappy little $5 tree I bought at the grocery store one day because I felt bad we didn't have any decorations. It didn't even matter. What mattered was that we were happy, getting along and in love. My phone started buzzing on the table and I saw that it was Jon calling "Wow! He's up late"  It was 2 am in Germany so I was surprised he was calling

"HI! What are you doing? Isn't it like 2 am over there?"

"Yeah it's late. I miss you"

"I miss you too. Why is it so loud?"

"I'm at a bar."

"A bar?"

"Yeah some of the guys and I are trying to see who is the last man standing by the time the bar closes"

"Jon...that's not a good idea."

"I know what I'm doing...yeaaaahhhh Hi"

I heard a female voice after he said hi. I was not happy at all

"Jon...who was that?"

"Some girl at the bar"

"You're hanging out with other girls?"

"Ashley come on I didn't do anything but say hi. I'm not even hanging out with them."

I heard the voice again and it seemed like he was lying. Of course this was a phone conversation and I wasn't there to see who he was or was not hanging out with. The fact that I heard the same voice twice made me think they were hanging out with her and I was getting really pissed off. Just when I think we're doing well something happens. It's very annoying. 

"Whatever Jon. I can hear her in the background. I don't even care. Whatever. Just do what you want."

"Ashley I SWEAR nothing is going on."

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