This Needs to Stop

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I closed the door to my dorm room and saw Tina sitting on her bed totally annoyed with me. I was late...again. It was starting all over again. Jon was distracting me from school and I was barely passing my classes. Tina was my study partner for Children's Literature and I hadn't read any of the required reading for this semester. I was supposed to be home 3 hours ago, but Jon and I stopped to see a movie together...not that the movie was watched or anything, but we stopped at the theater nonetheless  We weren't together so to speak. We were friends....friends who always seemed to end up in bed friends with benefits I guess you'd say. I had a problem with it at first, but now it's not such a big deal. 


"I know I know I know Tina...I'm late...I'm sorry"

"Ash this HAS to stop. He's doing it to you again. Remember what happened last time??? The only difference is this time you guys aren't even together. You won't get accepted into the student teaching program if you keep barely squeaking by every semester with C's. Seriously Ashley what the hell happened to you?  It's like we switched roles or something. You were so into school and dance. You didn't give two shits about wrestling or Jon at all. Now you barely show up to class and when you do you leave early. You don't do homework, take notes, or anything. Get your head out of your ass. He is POISON for you."

"You finished?  Look I know he distracts me and I haven't been doing my work, but I can't help it. I love him. I want to be with him."

"Ashley...he doesn't love you...remember?? You need to start dating someone else or just go on a date with someone else so you can see that there are other guys out there."

"Tina I can't help how I feel."

"Yeah, but you can't force him to feel the same way about you. No matter what you do Ashley he will always just look at you as someone he can easily get in bed with because he knows you love him. He's manipulating your feelings because he knows he can."

"That's not true."

"It IS true Ashley.  You will NEVER get what you want from him and deep down you know it.  He will ruin you and drag you down with him. You're too smart for that. Don't become your mother."

I turned and ran out the door. How could she say something like that to me?? I went down to my car and started to drive. I tried to call Jon, but he didn't answer. I needed to talk to him. I needed to talk to someone. It was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. I drove and just kept driving. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I found myself on the freeway wiping tears away as I sped down the road. I tried calling Jon again. He still didn't answer and I was starting to panic. I wanted him to tell me to my face that he didn't love me. I wanted him to prove to me that I meant nothing more to him than a piece of ass. I wanted him to tell me that Tina was right. I needed to hear it from him and not from everyone else. It hurt me that Tina would go that bring my mom into it. 

I exited the freeway and drove to where I heard Jon was staying. I wasn't sure he'd be there, but sure enough his car was in front of the house. I sat there thinking that I shouldn't have come here. It seemed like there were a lot of people so maybe there was a party going on. I didn't want to embarrass him or cause problems, but I was desperate to talk to him. I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. I nervously smoked it as I paced back and forth behind my car. I saw people going in and out, but none of them were Jon. I was nervous and shaking. I felt like this is a stupid idea. I knew that I was going to see things I didn't want to see.  I took a long deep drag off of the cigarette to finish it off. I flicked it into the street, blew out the smoke and went to the front door. I was going to knock, but there was no point because no one was going to hear me. I waltzed right in and started looking around for him. Different guys kept coming up to me and hitting on me and I was in no mood. I pushed one of them away and he came back at me. I was taken back by that reaction. It actually scared me a little and I backed away. He grabbed my arm and got in my face. I squinted and turned my head away

"Get the fuck away from her"

I looked up and saw that it was one of Jon's friends

"Thank you Josh.  Where's Jon?"

"Ashley you shouldn't be here"

"Where is he?"

He pointed up the stairs and I took off in that direction. My heart pounded in my chest. I didn't like the reaction I got from Josh.  Josh was always one of Jon's nicer friends. He was always very sweet to me and treated me like a little sister. There was only one closed door up there and I knew that's where I was headed. There was a huge pit in my stomach. I didn't want to open it. I was afraid of what I'd see or what I'd find, but I knew I had to do it or else I'd never get the answers I was looking for. I opened the door with authority and my heart sank. It was exactly what I didn't want to see or believe. I had no words. My chest was heaving and tears were streaming down my face. It made everything Tina said right and I was so mad at myself for not believing her. I wanted so much to believe that he did care about me, but this was painfully obvious that he didn't. I stood for a few more seconds and our eyes locked. I shook my head and started back out of the door


He pushed the girl off of him and started to get up. I kept shaking my head and backing away. I turned and headed down the hall towards the stairs. I reached the staircase and Josh tried to stop me. I kept trying to push by and he wouldn't let me go

"MOVE Josh"

"Ashley wait..."

"NO, it was ALL lies...everything was ALWAYS a lie...MOVE OUT OF MY WAY"

Jon came out of the room and grabbed my arm. I ripped it away and turned my back to him. I finally got forceful and pushed my way past Josh and ran down the stairs. I pushed my way out of the house and ran to my car. I reached the drivers side door and fell to my knees. I screamed in frustration and pounded my fist on the cement. Someone was beside me and I knew who it was. He put his hand on my back and whispered in my ear

"Ash..please let me explain"

"Don't touch me"

He helped me to my feet and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me

"Ashley why did you come here?"

"Tina and I had a fight. She said some things....I needed to get answers from you. And she was right..."

"Ashley please look at me."

I looked up

"Ash we aren't together. We're friends. If you can't separate yourself from that then we can't do this anymore."

"You've never cared about me have you? I already know you never loved me. You just use me because I'm an easy target. Because you know that I love you and that I will bend over backwards to prove that to you so you take advantage of that. It's always been this way...hasn't it?"

He sighed "Ashley I care for you more than you realize. But no, no I don't love you. Not the same way that you love me. Please try to understand that I'm honestly not trying to hurt you. You're a very sweet girl and you're very pretty. You're too good for me. I love spending time with you, but..."

"I wish I'd never met you..."

"Please don't say that. Please Ashley...please don't come back here. It's obvious that you can't handle this for what it really is."

"Why are you always pushing me away? Why aren't I enough for you??"

"It's not like that Ash. It's just not. Go back to your dorm and don't come back."

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