Fancy Date :)

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"So I'll talk to you tomorrow? Ok. I know...yes Jon I know....I know...JON...I love you too. Bye"

I laughed and shook my head. "Someone is in a good mood today" It was almost time for the Payback pay per view and he was excited for his match against Kane. I was on my way to pick up Tyler from daycare. I was happy to be working again. It was sporadic until the new school year in August. I got a job teaching first grade at an elementary school down the street. For now I was working as a substitute teacher for everything from kindergarten to high school. Today I got to sub for a math teacher at the high school. Talk about a subject that I hated with a passion. I followed the lesson plan the best I could, but I threw in the white flag during the fourth period class and let them do what they wanted for the most part. I know absolutely nothing about calculus. It's why I teach elementary school and not upper level math.  I picked up Tyler and headed to the apartment. I carried him up the stairs to our floor and stopped and set him down so he could walk the rest of the way...well, that and he was getting really heavy. He held my hand and walked with me down the hall. I stopped just short of the door and smiled. Someone left me a vase of roses by the door. I unlocked the door and went inside and set the vase on the table. I got Tyler settled in his play area in the living room and read the little card with the flowers Be Ready At 6.  "Be ready at 6? Ready for what?" I rolled my eyes and smiled. He's been so darn sweet lately. He's trying really hard to make this work even with the distance between us. I heard my phone buzz in my purse and checked to see who was calling. I smiled again when is was from Jon.

"Forgot to mention on the card that you need to dress nice. As in dress not jeans."

":) Thank you for the beautiful flowers. I will do my best to be ready on time for you."

I gave Tyler and early dinner and turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for him so I could go get ready. I felt kind of bad about sitting him in front of the TV like that, but I had no one to watch him and I needed to get ready. I did my hair and went into my closet to find something to wear. I'm no stranger to wearing dresses, but I didn't think wearing a work dress on a date would be appropriate. I had a few dresses that were nice and not work appropriate, but I was really struggling here. In the back of the closet, hidden away was a black dress that I've never worn. I bought it on sale with the intention of wearing it out to a bar/club somewhere, but never did. I didn't even know if it would fit anymore let alone look good, but I decided to try it on anyway. I stepped back and looked in the mirror. "I hope I don't look like a stripper in this thing" I had forgotten how short it was. What if it wasn't appropriate??? I didn't want Jon to think I was...I was over thinking it completely. I left it on and put on my earrings, shoes and make up. I quickly checked on Tyler and he was still entertained by Mickey so I quickly loaded my clutch with essentials and made my way to the living room to be with Tyler until Jon arrived. The door unlocked and I suddenly got seriously nervous. I turned and looked behind me as Jon came in the door with Colby. 

"Awww what? I don't even get a hug?"  

"Not right now you don't" I smiled

Jon went to the back to change and Colby came over and sat next to me. Tyler ran over and waved. He liked Colby. Tyler liked it because Colby play wrestles with him. 

"HI!" Tyler yelled loudly

Colby and I laughed "Hi!"

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