You Did WHAT!?!?!?

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Jon has been in California all week for Summer Slam. I wish I could be there, but it just wouldn't work out since I have to work. He was excited about his pre show match against RVD. I was excited because I didn't actually have to buy this pay per view to see him. Josh came by to visit and get away for a while. He and Mary were having problems so he wanted to breathe. It's fine because I have a babysitter while I work. And there I go using him again. At least this time it was in an innocent way. I was waiting to hear from Jon. It'd been a couple days and I know he'd been super busy with fan axcess and so I didn't want to be a pest. I kept track of all that stuff online when I had time. I kept staring at my phone. I know he had down time at some point today. Josh came over and sat next to me on the couch while I searched online for the latest on the fan axcess. Suddenly a picture pops up that made me sick. There were several pictures and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I handed the lap top to Josh and grabbed my phone and called Jon.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"Don't hey baby what's up me...who is that girl Jon?"

"Huh? What girl?"

"Um the girl that is in like 10 pictures that I'm currently looking at. The one all over you at a bar."

"Ashley I have no idea what you are talking about."

"JON! Don't LIE to me. I'm looking at them. They're right here in my face. I'm not stupid. I know what I see. The one of you two kissing is especially nice."

"Ashley look I was drunk OK. Everyone was going out and having a good time. Those pictures aren't even supposed to exist."

"So you aren't denying it then. You cheated on me? After you told me that I had to trust you and all that garbage because of what happened with Josh and here you are being a total fucking hypocrite. Fuck you"

"Ashley stop it. You don't even know what's going on here. For all you know those pictures are fake. You shouldn't believe everything you see online. You know how I feel about the internet."

"Just say it. 'Ashley I slept with the girl at the bar in the pictures you see online'  Just say it.  Is this what happens every time there's a pay per view or fan axcess or whatever?  How many times have you cheated on me Jon??"

"I'm going to hang up for a while Ash. I'm not doing this with you over the phone."

He hung up on me. I screamed in frustration and threw my phone across the room and I watched as it shattered. Hot, angry tears were streaming down my face and Josh sat there stunned, staring at me. 

"He's a fucking asshole Josh...Fuck him."

"I think you should wait for the whole story Ashley."

"NO. There is no 'whole story' Josh, I swear to God I will punch you in the fucking face if I find out that you knew about this."

"No, I didn't know Ashley. Honest."

"It's ALWAYS too good to be true. And the shitty part is Tyler suffers now too. It's not just me that has to go through this."

I got up and marched to the bedroom and put my engagement ring on his nightstand. As far as I was concerned we were done. When I see him I'm going to punch him. I'm so angry right now. Everything we worked so hard for, everything we did and was all lies. It meant nothing. He was never going to change no matter how hard I try or how much I want him to. I took a picture of us off of my nightstand and threw it at the wall and fell to my knees. Josh came over and sat next to me on the floor. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I put my head on his shoulder and cried. I was so hurt. Josh's phone rang and I saw the caller ID

"Please don't answer that"

"Hello? No, Jon she's not going to talk to you. Dude you fucked up. She doesn't have a phone anymore that's why she won't answer. No, she threw it at the wall and it shattered.  Jon....Jon...I'm not your go-between just like I'm not hers. Yeah good luck with that."

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