Puerto Rico

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"As children grow their past experiences will shape who they are, allow them to perceive the world in their own way. It helps a person go through everyday life. (Psychology: The Science of Behaviour, Fourth Canadian Edition by Neil R. Carlson, William Buskist, C. Donald Heth, and Rod Schmaltz)."

God this professor was SO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had to take child psychology for my major, but good God I was about to fall asleep. This professor went too fast through certain material and not fast enough through other parts. It's my own fault. I should never have taken an 8 week summer school course like this. Plus I was so distracted these days. It wasn't good. I barely passed some of my classes last semester. I had a lot going on....I had a boyfriend who made me very happy. So I wanted to spend a lot of time with him...shoot me. I was completely head over heels in love with him. And as a result wrestling has sort of grown on me. I still wasn't much of a fan, but at least I could tolerate it. I had to take a few steps back towards the end of last semester though to pull off my grades. I was ditching class to drive back to Cincinnati to see him. Or he drove up here to see me. I think he was a little upset that I had to kind of put my head back in school, but this was an expensive education that I saw as my ticket out of here. I couldn't sit in that building and watch him run drills every day. 

"The adolescent unconsciously explores questions such as "Who am I? Who do I want to be?" Like toddlers, adolescents must explore, test limits, become autonomous, and commit to an identity, or sense of self."

BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!  WHY ARE YOU SO BORRRING!?!?!?!?  My cell phone chimed on the desk and everyone was looking at me. Embarrassed I sank down in my seat and turned the volume off. I had a text message from Jon. I perked up and smiled when I saw it. 

"I need to talk to you. Lunch?"

"Yes!! My class gets out at 1:25."

"I'm already here."

I looked at the clock on the wall. I still had an hour left, and this material was going to be on the test next week. I looked over at Tina and made the "please share your notes with me and fill me in with details" face. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to leave. I quietly packed my backpack and made my way out the door. I picked up the phone and called him

"HI!!  Where are you???"

He came up and grabbed me from behind and picked me up. I laughed as he set me down. I turned around and gave him a kiss and smiled. He smiled back and took my hand and we walked towards his car. I was super excited to see him. Or maybe it was because he saved me from that horrible lecture, but either way I was happy. Neither of us really wanted to go very far so we just stopped at McDonalds. I hadn't eaten any of this crap in a VERY long time...not good when you're dancing. I'm sure he hadn't eaten it in a while. I did a little dance in my seat while I waited for him to come back to the booth. He half smiled and sat down. I gave him a confused look. Normally when I do that he smiles or laughs or both, but this time it was different. He really hadn't said more than a few words to me and I could tell that something was wrong

"Jon...what's up?  You haven't really talked much to me and you're the one who wanted to go to lunch."

"Lets eat first and then we'll talk OK. Don't worry about me. I just have a lot on my mind."

I nodded and started eating my food. I'd look up every so often to see him looking at me.  I'd smile and look down again. I really wanted to question the sudden change in attitude towards me, but he said he wanted to wait. I was starting to feel kind of sick in the pit of my stomach. I didn't like the way it was feeling between us and it was making me nervous. I stopped eating all together and looked up. He hadn't really eaten any of his food either and we just kind of sat and stared at each other for a few minutes. I threw in a couple of smiles but got nothing in return and I knew for sure that whatever he had to say was not going to be good. I excused myself to the bathroom and took a few deep breaths trying to keep myself from crying. At this point it's all I wanted to do. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair. I had been making an effort to not cover my eyes, but I didn't want him to see me cry if I had happened to let it slip. I already knew it was coming. I knew he was going to break up with me. It wasn't like it wasn't written all over his face. I just wanted to know why.  I came back out of the bathroom and he was waiting by the front doors. We walked out to his car and he stopped me before turning to go towards the passenger door. My head was down and my bangs were swept over my right eye. He put his hand under my chin and raised my head to look at him. I was trying really hard to hold it together. I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I'd never let a man make me cry, but it as becoming a promise I wasn't going to be able to keep. He leaned in and softly kissed me and smiled. I pulled away and walked to the car and waited by the door with my back turned to him. He unlocked the door and I got in the car and turned my head away so he couldn't see my face.

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