Chapter 52

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The week went by fast and my body felt worse and worse for each day. Yesterday I couldn't even get up from bed and I slept the most of the day. I didn't want to bore Harry and I told him that over and over but he just told me that It was fine and that he loved to take care of me and that he loved to watch me rest because he knew that I needed that.

Slowly I started to accept the fact that I'd soon leave this earth and I'd leave everyone behind me with hopefully good thoughts and smiles that would spread over their face as someone mentioned my name. I'd miss anyone but yet again I didn't believe in heaven or hell,I just believed that my body had had its time on this earth and it was my time to leave soon.

My dad and Dylan arrived from Manchester yesterday and they came into my room,lead by Robin with tears streaming down their faces. I told them to calm down and that I was fine,I wasn't fine but it seemed like it calmed everyone down enough to stop cry.
Dylan and Gemma bonded oddly perfect together and both me and Harry could see something between our two siblings. Anne dad and Robin did also bond very well and they seemed to become good friends.

Everyone ate dinner downstairs today and usually I sat in my bedroom alone to calm my body. I could hear everyone sit down by the table and I just felt like I had to go down there,so that's what I decided to do.

Slowly I got up from the bed and released a sigh out of tiredness. I walked slowly slowly out from the bedroom and followed their voices. As I stepped into my kitchen everyone's eyes landed on me and I gave them a small tired smile.

"Can I eat here?..." I mumbled and ran my hand through my messy natural locks. Harry got fast up from his seat and walked over to me,grabbing gently onto my arm.

"Are you sure love?" He whispered and looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes and nodded.
"Okay..." he helped me onto the chair next to Harry and Dylan.

"Hey..." Dylan smiled gently and grabbed me a plate.

"Hi" I smiled almost shyly and thanked him for his help. He placed some food onto my plate and gave me some water that I immediately reached for.

"Alli I'm...uh" I looked up from my plate and looked at my father.
"I don't want to lose you to..." he
shook his head.
"I can't do tha-"

"Well you will...and maybe you should know that I've accepted the fact that I know that I'll leave!..." I had to paused and take a deep breath in.
"Leave this earth and my loved once"

Everyone around this table got silent and Harry's hand squeezed my thigh gently. It actually started to irritate me,how quiet it was. Before I came down here I heard talking and some giggling but now when I was here everything was silence and stiff.
I placed my fork and knife down on my plate and looked up at everyone with tears and a huff leaving my lip.

"J-just because I-I am dying doesn't m-mean I am not a h-human anymore,I am n-not dead yet! Just b-because I am around t-this table now you all don't have t-to act so sad! I AM NOT F-FUCKING DEAD YET SO SONT A-ACT LIKE I AM" and with that I ran away.

Let me tell you;I had no oxygen left in my lungs by then and I ran into my bed anyways,I had to get away from there. I left everyone speechless,but I guess they already were. I had to admit though,I felt pretty bad.

When I fell into my bed I gasped in hard but that did not work very well since I cried pretty hard. My lungs were exploding and my back were feeling like it was breaking.

"Hey hey baby!..." Harry ran into the room,holding onto my oxygen mask. He fast sat down in my bed and held me up in his strong carrying arms. He held the mask over my mouth and it immediately calmed me down.

I closed my eyes and pressed it harder onto my face. I felt tears stream down my face but I did not care enough to wipe them away,so harry did.

"Are you feeling little better?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around him and breath out in relief.

"You're my hero..." he Let out a low chuckle and kissed my head.
"I'm sorry for ...what I just did but I just am so tired of all of this"

"Don't sorry love...I understand"

"One more thing...don't pinch yourself because I've seen your arms and your chest...please don't babe"  ran my hand over the soared areas on his arms making him flinch slightly.

"Okay...okay I'll try my love"

The feeling of my body resting wrapped in Harry's arms felt extremely good and calming,I just loved it and I didn't want it to end but I knew it had to.

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