Chapter 1

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Allis POV

The atmosphere in the cafeteria today was very calm and quiet,those kind of days I loved to work. The aura around the people was just calm and down to earth,I think it's the hot weather that made it.
Today I was gonna work for a pretty long shift and it actually didn't bother me as it usually did because of the lovely weather and nice people floating into the building.

"Alli honey could you please take the orders by the checkout?" My colleague asked with a smile on her face while putting up some muffins into the fridge.

"Oh yes of course" I smiled nodding. I grabbed onto a napkin and cleaned my hands of before heading to the checkout.
When I finally got done and walked over to the checkout I notice a boy there,he was pretty tall and had long curly hair.
His glance was done onto the desk as his hands moved the things around.

He moved the straws closer to the plastic spoons and the plates right behind them.
I chuckled quietly at his focused look on his face before I stopped in front of him on the other side of the checkout.

"Welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" I smiled and tilted my head trying to make the boy look up.
Fast he lifted up his head from the desk and looked up on me.
Suddenly I felt how my smile dropped in a little shock.

His eyes was in a bright green colour making them shine bright,his lips was  plump and had a pink colour to it,he was beautiful and that was what caused my shock.

"Vanilla...V-vanilla latte" he said with a low tone. I coughed myself back to my smile and nodded. He gave a small awkward smile making two dimples dig into his cheeks,this was just getting better.

"Okay a vanilla latte" I smiled and wrote it down on the little white note.
"Anything else?" I smiled and looked up at the boy.

He just shook his head fast and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Okay that will be 2.68 please" I smiled.
He held up his hand and fast placed the money on the desk,like he tried to avoid contact with me,odd.

"Okay I'll just need your name so we can write it on your cup and shout out your name when your order is done" I grabbed the pen again and looked up at the guy.
He had a nervous experience on his face,almost stressed.

"H-..Harry" my smile grew even bigger as he told me his name. Harry it really suited him well,a pretty name for a pretty boy.

"Okay Harry, make yourself comfortable" before I knew it Harry was on his way towards a small table by the window.

"One vanilla latte!" I shouted to my colleague before I started to take others orders but I just couldn't stop glancing over to the odd and mysterious boy some meters away from me.

As I saw how Harrys vanilla latte was ready to go I fast walked over to it and grab it from my colleague hand.

"Harry! A vanilla latte" I smiled tilting my head as he looked up to me.
I watched every little movement me made and every little flinch his body made as he walked up to me.

"There you go" I smiled and help the coffee infornt of him.
As he grabbed the cup with a small smile on his face I felt how his fingers touched mine and in only 1 second later as I let go of the cup Harry did the same making the cup fall down to the ground,making the coffee splashing over the floor.

I widen my eyes and looked up at the shocked boy who was looking down on the messed up floor.

"I-I...I'm sorry..g-gotta go I have to..yeah go" before I could even say something Harry stormed out from the cafeteria and disappeared. I felt truly bad for him.
I could see fear and guilt in his eyes right after the cup connected with the floor,I just wanted to tell him that it was fine,but I didn't have the time to.

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