Chapter 46

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The AirPort smelled like plastic mixed with the soft smell of the coffee from the cafeteria inside. It was time for me,Harry,Anne,Robin and Gemma to leave and go back home to London. I already told my dad and Dylan goodbye and that I would soon return to them again.

I held onto Harry's hand tight the whole time,I did not let go and he did not let go. After the time that he met Nicole for the last time it seemed like Harry started to become even more confident in his own skin than he were before which I were extremely proud of. He made his own choices without being afraid of everyone's looks and that made both my heart warm up and Anne's,I could see it in her eyes.

We sat down on a little bench in a wait for the airplane. I was extremely tired and I almost haven't slept anything these past days. I have been making sure Harry wouldn't wake up in complete panic or in horrible pain. I couldn't relax,only when he almost yelled at me to sleep and that was not often. I told him I got enough sleep with I really did not,I did not want to worry him.

Harry sat me down in his lap with my my legs wrapped around his waist,arms wrapped around his chest and my head resting in his neck,making my hot breaths bounce onto his neck. His arms wrapped around my frame and held me close. God I did not want to hurt him nor didn't I want to force him.

"Does it hurt?..." I mumbled into his neck while making circles with my fingers on his back.

"Not now,no." He shook his head and kissed my cheek. I sighed out and closed my eyes.
" have time enough" he rasped and stroke his palm over the back of my head. I hummed quietly and sighed out.

My eyelids became heavier and heavier until my eyes completely closed and I drifted away into my dreams.


"Honey?" The rasp voice said as he shakes my shoulder slightly. I whined out and slowly sat up in his lap while rubbing my eyes with my hands.
"We have to go to the plane now,alright?" I looked down on him and looked around me.

"Oh...okay" I nodded and yawned. He kissed me softly before helping me up on me feet.
"How long was I asleep?" I asked while grabbing his hand again.

"1 hour and 30 minutes...maybe not enough but you can sleep on the plane yeah?" I nodded slowly and sighed out.
"I can't feel my legs" he chuckled and sighed out in pain.

"Oh...I could've moved away from you,I am so sorry" I kissed him twice. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't worry baby" before he walked into the plane he knocked on it three times and so did I.
"It seems to work" he chuckled as he dragged me through the plane.

When we got into our seats the first thing I did was to kiss Harry's soft lips while cupping his face.

"Seems like you already got past step three babe" His green iris looked deeply into my brown once and his dimples popped into his cheeks.
"I'm proud" I continued with a wider smile.

"Oh look at those two" Robin interrupted with a deep chuckle following with Gemma's high pitched giggle. Harry just ignored them and pulled out the blanket he brought out from his bag. I smiled at him as he placed the blanked over us both.

"Sleep?" He hummed and looked down to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around his frame.

"Does this hurt?"

"No no no! Don't worry" he shook his head and sank back down in his seat with me in his arms.
"Now sleep please? You seem very tired today" he mumbled and stroke his hand over my head and down to my back.

The plane lifted and everyone were quiet,just what I needed. Oddly I couldn't Sleep nor could Harry. We didn't say anything to each other though,even though comfortable silence is overrated in my opinion I loved it while I were with Harry. When love takes you into a place were you don't have to do something or say something that it only matters that you're with the person I personally find it very real and pure.

Before i knew it myself i fell deeply asleep with Harry by my side and drifted away in my own little dreams.
Because the flight was only 3 hours long i slept almost the whole trip back home.

I'm sorry for this really short shitty chapter but I am trying to figure out how long this book will be!

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