Chapter 8

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"Harry your lip are swollen...are you sure you're fine? I can always drive you to the hospital?" I was worried about Harry,he just crashed with his car and came inhere bleeding and he isn't even showing any sort of emotions right now.

"No! No no no never" he said, shaking his head fast.
"Never...I am fine" he mumbled and looked down on his sandwich in front of him.
We had been sitting there for 10 minutes and he haven't touched it,he didn't want to eat and well...I didn't blame him.

I looked down on him and smiled sadly furrowing my eyebrows. His knees was shaking up and down and his hands was knocking on the table,I knew that was a sign of stress and nervisity but I had no idea how to handle it.
Slowly I held onto Harry's hand softly and stroke my thumb over it.

"Harry calm down...You're stressing yourself up" I mumbled and squeezed his hand softly.

"I-I am? I'm str-stressing?" He asked while stuttering his words out.
I just nodded and bring our hands up to my lips and kissed his hand softly.
His eyes floated up to our hands and his eyebrows relaxed.

"Do you want to go home?" Once again Harry shook his head fast,biting his lip hard.

" mom will a-ask what happened and d-dad will be angry...b-because it's his car" he sobbed and looked away.
I gave him a small smile and looked away to the clock.

"Happy you I end in less than 3 minutes,If you'd like to...You can go home with me,to my home" i smiled,trying to make him comfortable enough to go with me.

I wanted to take care of him for some minutes and then drive him back home,his mom and dad was probably worried.

"I wont disturb though?..." he asked as he finally took a bite from his sandwich.
I smiled and shook my head.

"Of course you won't disturb Harry,that's a stupid question" I chuckled and tilted my head making it easier for me to look at him.
His eyes scanned up from our hands and up in my eyes as he nodded.

"N-now? We can go now,yes?" He asked looking around with stress in his eyes.

"Yes,yes of course come on..." I stood up,still hand in hand with Harry.
Harry didn't just hold on to my hand gently,he squeezed it and held onto it tightly,it truly made my heart flush and transform into butterflies that flies around in my stomach.

We both walked out from the cafeteria quietly after I explained the situation for my boss,luckily he understood and let me and Harry go.
The walk to the parking lot was very quiet but not in a stiff way,it was comfortable.
As soon as we reached the parking lot I saw a crashed SUV on the right side of the end of the parking lot.

Harry didn't look up,he just kept his eyes down on the grey cement. I didn't want to say anything since it probably would make him upset or sad and I didn't want to do that to him.

"Here is my car Harry" I smiled and unlocked my white car some cars away from his crashes one. Finally his green beautiful eyes looked up from the ground and scanned the outside of my car.

Slowly he nodded which made his long curls bump up and down.
He looked so innocent and sad about what just happened to him and I just wished I knew how to make him happy but I just didn't know him that well.

"Okay jump in and let's go" he did as I said and we slowly drove down through the city and the small stores at each side of the street.
Harry's head was resting against the window as he pressed his forehead against it. I didn't hear what kind of melody he hummed but I heard he hummed on something and from what I heard it was really beautiful and calming which brought a smile to my face.

"Harry we are here" I smiled and opened up my car door but he didn't answer. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at him.
"Harry?" I chuckled and laid my hand on his shoulder,nothing.

When I moved my head closer I could see how his eyes where closed and how his pink lips was slightly open. He was asleep. I let out a soft giggle and strokes the back of his head.

"Harry?..." gently I wiggles my hand on his shoulder back and forth making his body move slowly along with it.
A slight whine left the pretty boys lips as his head fell backwards. Fast I held up my hand catching onto his head but he had time to react so he fast sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Harry you fell asleep..." I smiled and stroke his head didn't to his shoulder,squeezing it gently.

"I did?...oh gosh I did...I'm sorry Alli" he yawned and shook his head as he pressed his palms onto his forehead hard making his head bounce back on the seat.

"No no no! Harry!" Fast I grabbed onto the stressed and tired mans wrists and made him look into my eyes.
"It's fine...I promise" I almost whispered out as I stroke my thumb over his soft hand. He slowly nodded and looked out from the window.

"Go? We should go in? It's cold" he mumbled before pulling the door handle.

"Of course" I smiled and did the same as him and jumped out from the car with my bag on my arm.
Harry walked around the car and looked down on my jacket and then up on my eyes.

"Do you want to fix it?" I chuckle and pointed down onto my jacket. His head gently nodded as he walked over to me and zipped up the zipper properly right under my chin.

"Thank you very much,Harry" He gave me a small small proud smile along with a little nod which made my whole body heat up.
He was truly adorable with his proud grin on his face but if I didn't know about Harry's OCD and I'd see him walk down the street he would look more than manly in my eyes. But when he truly talks and lights up he is just a normal cute teenage boy. His mother and father must be proud.

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