Chapter 33

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"This Will be...361,50" Harry eyes widen as he looked down to the perfectly folded suit in front of him.

"Alli that is much money for a suit...Maybe Robin have something I can borrow?" He whined nervously while chewing on his lip.

"Here you go"  I smiled as I gave the man his 361,50. Harry grabbed onto my arm and whined. I sighed and looked over to Harry.
"Harry I really want you to have your own suit on the funeral and this is perfect for you!" I smiled and grabbed the bag and Held it out in front of Harry.

Harry didn't look so happy though,he looked more concerned and worried about me spending money on him. I would also feel extremely bad f someone got me something for this much money but I really wanted Harry to have this suit and wear it on m mothers funeral. It would feel special.

Finally Harry grabbed the bag and placed a kiss to my cheek.
"Thank you" he frowned with a small grin on his face.

"No problems" I winked and naked my way out from the store with Harry behind me.
"So I thought we could look for some flowers for the funeral" I sighed as I opened up the car door.

"Already?...They will-...Die" He stopped up from open the car up to just look at me after saying the horrible word with the three letters.

"We will just..." I sighed and shook my head.
"You are right...Let's forget about that um..." I looked down in the ground as the silence between us grew and all we could hear was all the cars and people around us.

"I-Ice cream..." I fast looked up to Harry that was nervously biting on the end off his shirts sleeve.
"D-Do you want ice cream? I can pay" he nodded and pointed to the other side of the road where a little pink ice cream bar were placed.

"Is love some ice cream" I giggled and closed my car door again. Harry nodded proudly and walked over to my side again to grab my hand tightly.

As I looked up from our hands and to the other side of the road I spotted Louis staring at us with a blank face.
Just before Harry could take his first step out on the road to cross it I made a fast choice to stop.

"Harry...I have ice cream at home I think...maybe we should talk it there?..." Harry fast backed up from the road looked back confused at me.
"Louis is there...Harry I don't want him to say something mean to you..." I shook my head and nodded slightly into Louis direction.

Harry slowly turned around and looked over at Louis who were now lightning his cigarette between his lips while just looking at Harry. The two of them just stood there looking at each other while I pretty much stood between them just starring at them in a try to read their emotions but I couldn't.

"Harry...come on we don't have to go the-"

"Hey there Harry..Hey there
...Alli" Louis raised his eyebrow with a slight smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Hey Louis..." I crossed my arms and looked up to him with my eyebrows furrowed in a try to show him how unhappy I was with his old actions.

"Going on a date or what?" He looked over to Harry all the way from his head down to his feet and back up again.

"We a-are getting me a...A suit for her..her mothers funeral" Louis smirk dropped to the two last words and his eyes dragged themselves over to me.

"She Uhm...She u-" I shook my head of the feelings of the tears climbing out from my eyes.

"Oh my...Alli I am so sorry..."His eyes teared up and he let go of his cigarette and stepped on his before dragging me into a hug. I did hug back actually,just because I knew Louis cared and I really liked that about Louis.

"I-its okay...I'm fine..." I sobbed in and hugged him closer to me.
"S-shes in a better place now...Isn't she?"Louis nodded and pulled away to look at me.

"Where is curly head?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to my side. Harry wasn't there,in fact he were nowhere to be seen which made me really worried.

"Louis...I have to go.." Louis didn't have a change to say anything back before I ran across the street and into the little pink bar.

I looked around to see a lot of people sitting by the tables next to the windows,a typical ice cream bar.
When I walked further into the bar I finally saw Harry sit in a corner alone with two ice creams in his hand. My heart ached and I were confused but in a way I had a thought about what could've upset him.

"Harry?..." I slowly walked up to him and sat down in front of him.
"Harry why did you ran of like that?" I grabbed his hand and ran my thumb over it like I always did.

"I um...You two had a nice time. I didn't want to disturb you" he sighed and drilled his eyes into the ice cream even more,trying to avoid my eye contact.

"Harry you did disturb...I am very sorry that I stopped and talked to Louis but when my mom came into the picture I just..." Harry looked up to me and smiled small nodding.

"It's fine,I understand" I looked down to the ice creams and let out a chuckled.

"You know my taste after all" I winked and grabbed one of the ice creams and licked over the cold cream. Harry just looked at me before letting out a adorable giggle.

"So...Have you ever been on a flight before?" Harry's smile dropped and his cheeks flushed.
"Oh...You haven't? That's alright" I smiled and kissed his hand. He tried to fight back the little smile on his face but gladly he lost the battles.

"Believe me when I flew here to London from Manchester I thought we were going to crash but here I am luckily" I chuckled and took a bite of my ice cream again.

"Will your whole family be there?..." he gulped and looked at me. I nodded making him sigh out.

"Harry it's going to be fine I swear..." I nodded making him nod with me.
"You will do amazing" I got up from my seat and sat next to him and took a bit from his ice cream.
"Eat now honey" I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"I'm not very hungry anymore" he laid the ice cream down on the little napkin and sat back down and laid his arm around my shoulder.
I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed out.

"I like you a lot Harry" I smiled small and looked up to him.

"I like you too..." he whispered before placing a kiss to the corner of the mouth.

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