Chapter 24

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Allis POV.

Harry asked me on a date and god I was so ready for this. When I got the text from Harry I got completely shocked and went absolutely crazy about what I was going to wear and I started to set alarms for the next morning so I would be late.

Finally the clock reached 8 am and I was standing outside the cafeteria fiesta waiting for Harry to arrive.

"Alli! Alli here!" When I turned around a smiling Harry walked up to me with a pair of sunglasses resting in his nose.

He looked stunning as always but there were something really different about him. He cut his hair. I gasped at the sight of the new haircut and let out a giggle.

"Harry you look amazing!" As he finally stood in front of me I hugged him close and he hugged me back.

"What so you mean?" He asked confused and furrowed his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes playfully and shook my head.
"Oh! The hair?" He asked along with a nervous chuckle.

"It really suits you Harry. Really cute" I nodded and dragged my hand through it. He let out a faint giggle and looked back to the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Really to eat some?" He smiled and walked up to the door opening it slowly.

"Fuck yes..." Harry's eyes widen and  I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again in regret.
"Sorry" i chuckled and bit my lip softly.

Harry nodded slowly and pointed into the cafeteria. I let out an oh in realisation that he wanted me to get in.
When we both stepped into the cafeteria we both met a lovely smell of different types of cookies and cakes,coffee and teas. I loved it and so did Harry. I could see that in his eyes.

"What do you wa-" when I looked at him he held up his finger to make me wait. I nodded fast and looked at him,curious about what he needed to do.

Fast he sat down to the ground and started to tie his shoe and untie the other to later on tie it into a knee knot.
I smiled at the adorable act and held out my hand to drag him up.

"So...uhm excuse me what did you say?" He chuckled and looked down on me.

I chuckled and looked u pay the little board were all types of cookies,coffees and teas names were held.

"What do you want to eat?" I smiled and held up my wallet. With a quick hand Harry grabbed the wallet away from me and shook his head fast and stubbornly.

"Harry give me th-" he shook his head and fast moved his hand away as I tried to get it back.

"No,I am going to pay because I asked you out...and..Harry can do that,Harry can pay" a deep frown left his lips and roughly he shut his eyes just before pinching hard onto his arm.

I widen my eyes and fast grabbed onto his hand and made him sit down on one of the sofas near the window.

"Harry no pinching! hurting yourself!...remember? It's makes me really worried" I almost yelled out in despair as concern. Harry eyes dropped down to his arm that was now bleeding which caused me to get even more despair.

"Hold on..." I whispered in a try to not gain everyone's attention since I knew Harry wouldn't like if people would jump onto him and ask him if everything was alright,just because of the fact that he really likes to show people that he can take responsibility for things and do things on his own.

Fast I walked over to the counter and grabbed two pairs of tissues. I dragged a chair and sat down in front of him and held onto his arm and placed the tissue over the soar area.

"Harry I to-"

"Step punching or pinching" he cut me of by his low and almost ashamed voice. I nodded slowly and gave him a small sad smile.

"Exactly..." I sighed out and cleaned of the blood completely.
"A vanilla latte yeah?" I asked,changing the subject. He looked up me and nodded softly.
"Sit here and I'll go order it yeah?"

The nod fast turned into a shaking motion and Harry placed my wallet in his lap holding it hard.

"My money...and I'll order! I am not a baby Alli,not a baby" he shook his head harshly and stood up. I sighed out at the fact how stubborn this man were but I admired his aura.

"Okay...okay stay calm though,yeah?" I kissed his hand to make him less nervous. Slowly he nodded and walked over to the counter.

As he stood there ordering our breakfast I just couldn't stop looking at his tall beautiful figure. The way the white t-shirt were placed on around his higher body along with a opened light blue shirt with white followers on it and how his jeans perfectly fitted on his beautiful legs.

It looked like Harry handled it very well when he ordered our lattes and it went very fast. Just as he paid the lattes were already done and Harty could make his way back to me by the window seat.

"One vanilla latte for you...And for me. That I paid with my own money..."he giggled with a very proud grin on his beautiful tanned face.

"You did a great job" I smiled before taking a sip of the lovely latte.
The hot liquid made my body heat up and my skin to grow goosebumps but I think most of the heat and goosebumps where from Harry's thumb stroking over my small hand.

His eyes which were hidden behind the sunglasses were glued down to our hands holding each other tightly and it was like I could see all the thoughts floating in his eyes.

"Let me see your eyes yeah?" I chuckled softly and slowly pulled his sunglasses up in his head. His eyes were shining and the smile he now were wearing inside of the glasses made his eyes glow even more than usual.

"So beautiful..." When I realised I had made Harry blushed by the two dimples words I just couldn't help myself but to continue.

"Beautiful eyes..."slowly and gentle I dragged my thumbs over his lips.

"Beautiful nose..." I giggled along with him and poked it.

"Beautiful dimples..." I smiled big in a try to make Harry smile as well and so he did and there the dimples popped up making me slide my fingers across them.

"Beautiful...lips" I smiled and looked down on the pair of pink lushest lips in front of me.

God I wanted to kiss him but what if he felt awkward doing it with all the people around us? What if he would be so overwhelmed and hurt himself? That was not what I wanted.

Instead I dragged my thumb over his lower lip and sat up,letting boy hands slide away from his beautiful soft face.

"You're beautiful" I blushed and looked down in my cup. Harry were quiet and so were I for at least 2 minutes before Harry spoke up.

"Gorgeous...You're gorgeous Alli" When I looked up I saw how his eyes fast drowned into the cup just as I did.

"Thank you...Thank you so much" there we sat for at least two hours just holding hands and talking about crap like the weather,but truly we didn't really care about the topics we could talk about,all we cared about was each other's company.

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