Chapter 14

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The sky was now in a jet black colour over London and Harry and I was curled up in his bed. Harry hadn't really showed any type of different habit of his the last hours all we was doing those hours was watching movies and exhaling laughs. It was wonderful and I loved it.

Now Harry and I was just lying in his bed,hand in hand while looking out the window in his roof admiring the shining stars.

"Harry?..." i asked, breaking the silence in the room. Harry had his eyes glued to the sky filled with stars and all he did was tilting his head to the side to let me know he was still listening.

"Are you okay?okay with...this?" I mumbled and bit my lip hard. Harry's eyes was now unglued to the sky and was now focused on my hands.

"Yes...yes I like this" he nodded and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I'm tired...are y-you tired?" He asked and looked to my side and into my eyes. I gave him a tired smile and nodded slowly.

"Yeah I am pretty know let's sleep yeah?" I smiled and ran my hand through his hair.
Harry nodded,agreeing before sitting up in the bed.
A deep frown left his lips as he fast got up from the bed.

"Go do you and I'll prepare the bed yes?" I smiled and sat up next to him by the just shook his head fast.

"Y-you want me to be myself so I have to do it...I have can't!" He blushed and furrowed his eyebrows. I gave him an understanding smile and stroke my hand over his back.

"Can I go with you?" Harry looked down in his hands. I could tell he was already feeling embarrassed of all the things he were about to do but I didn't let that stop him. I wanted him to feel comfortable.

"Okay..y-yeah sure..." Harry nodded and fast stood up and walked over to the door and opened fast not even waiting for me to come. He was probably just hurrying to get it all over with.

I stood up from the very comfortable bed and walked slowly after Harry who was now walking towards his bathroom.

"Need privacy?" I asked politely and titled my head.

" it's okay" he coughed and grabbed onto his toothbrush.
"Oh n-...oh Mom!" I furrowed my brows as I walked over to Harry.

"Harry?...are you okay?" I asked looking up confused at him.

"I can't...I can't get the toothpaste out! It's not open,no it's not" he said shaking his head. As I looked down on the blue tube I saw how it actually was open. I got confused and looked up at him.

"Harry it's open honey..." I chuckled in confusion. Harry frowned deeply at me and shook his head. His finger pointed to the little edge of the tube showing me the small little silver plastic that was in the corner.

I looked up at Harry and gave him a small sad smile.
I grabbed onto the tube and smiled at it.

"Want me to remove it?" Harry's eyes were focused on the tube and fast he nodded.

"Yes please open it" I chuckled small and nodded. I peeled of the small silver plastic on the edge of the tube and handed it back to Harry.

"Better?" I smiled and rubbed his back. He grabbed slowly onto the tube and smiled at it,nodding.

"Thank you Alli" he smiled and poured some of the plus paste on his white toothbrush.
Happily I watched him get ready in the bathroom by brushing his shining white teeth and washing his hands with cold water,it made him calm.

"I...I um...god this is embarrassing" he whined before hitting myself on the side of his head with his palm.
I widen my eyes and fast grabbed onto his hand and held onto his gentle.

"Don't do that...Please? And Harry you know there is nothing to feel embarrassed about" I explained shaking my head before placing a kiss to his thumb.

He let out a big sigh and nodded understanding.
"D-don't laugh,no?" He asked Biting into his lip hard.

"Harry id never laugh" I frowned and shook my head at the thought of laughing at him.

Slowly he walked out from the bathroom,still holding my hand and walked over to the stairs.
As we walked down the first step I heard how Harry mumbled something.

"Two..." I could hear him count as we walked down the seconds staircase.
"Three...four...five" he mumbled all the way down to the bottom floor. Slowly he turned around and started to do the same thing but on the way back up. And on the top from there he walked down with me again and mumbled out the numbers.

I wish I understood how Harry felt as he thought of needing to do all of these things and it made me pissed that I couldn't.

"Done...done with that" he sighed and rubbed his hands over his forehead.

"N-nighty mom! Nighty Robin!" He yelled from upstairs.

"Nighty loves!" Anne's faint voice replayed from downstairs.
Harry nodded for himself after his mothers reply.
We walked back into Harry's bedroom and just like before Harry counted as he closed the door behind us,isolating us from his mother and stepfather.

"Bed...have to made the bed" he smiled and walked over to the bed.
I really wanted to help him but I knew Harry would t let me so I jus stood in front of the bed and looked at how he worked on it.

Gently and wet exact Harry made the blanket fluffy along with the pillows before sitting down.

"I'm done now" Harry smiled before sitting down on the bed while releasing a big sigh.
I nodded and sat down in the bed with him and placed a light kiss to his cheek.

"I am thankful that you let me see your little routine" I nodded and looked up on him. He was already looking at me which made us both smile widely.
"Your eyes are red,babe. Come on lay down with me yes?"

I smiled and moved to the side of the bed which was pushed against the wall.

"I don't really like to sleep close to the floor is that okay?..." I asked and tugged onto the blanket. Harry giggled  lay me and nodded.

"It's okay" he nodded.
"I don't want you to be scared" I thanked him very much before lying down in the fluffy and comfortable bed and Harry did the same.

We had to share blankets and two pillows which made me very happy actually. Just the fact that I was lucky enough to spend time with him and learn more about him made me feel special.

"C-can...can I hold you?..." he asked under his nervous cough. I looked up at him and felt how my cheeks heated up.

"You want to hold me?..." I asked. You could easily hear my happy tone behind my words,happy was actually an underestimate of how I felt.

"Y-yes...I can also take care of people and protect them"  my heart actually melted to his words and it felt like I was about to tear up from his cuteness.

"Of course you can" I nodded and placed the blanket more properly over our bodies. As i laid the blanket over our shoulders I could feel his large hand hold onto my waist and pull me into his chest.

I bit my lip hard in a try to not giggle but I failed. My head was now placed right under Harry's chin and my arm was holding around his waist just as his did to me.

"Goodnight Alli" Harry whispered before placing a soft kiss to my head.

"Goodnight Harry"

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