Ch. 28 - phase 3 - Slay the dragon

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Okay first of all before this chapter starts I just wanna say..................................... THANK YOU ALL FOR 2.0K READS!!!!!! OOOHHHMMMIIIIGGGAAASSSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL READERS AAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO LIKE........ SQUEALING ON THE INSIDE SINCE I CAN'T  LIKE DO THAT BECAISE IT'S EARLY IN THE MORNING AND MY MOM MIGJT TINK IM LOCO.............. BUT THANKS YOU ALLLL!!!!!!!!! FOR 2.0K READS!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!...............



(Don't play music here yet)

Rose's POV:

"Okay, guys Phase 3 slay the dragon!!" I whispered to them.

"Yeah, but what's the plan?" Astoria asked.

"Oh right you, Joy, and Travis, and Mom try and distract her, while Me, Hawk, and Ling Ling will find a way to turn her back to her human form." I explained.

"But how are you going to do that?" Joy asked.

"Astoria's book duh." I stated.

They made an 'oh' face and Astoria pulled her book out of her hair. She read it page by page and stopped at the fourth.

"Here it is, it says you have to blind her, and it will force her to return back to normal." She explained.

Then I got it.

"Okay, you guys now your role?" I asked them.

They nodded.

"Okay start phase 3, slay the dragon!" I exclaimed.

They nodded, the fog started to clear and Ling ling made us fly upwards while the others prepared at the ground, then the fog cleared completely.

"Hey Scaly-face, over here!!!" Travis yelled.

"What did you just say?!" Maleficent growled.

"You heard him, come and get us, unless your a scaredy dragon." Joy taunted.

Maleficent raored.

"Oh, uh gotta go!!" They ran.

Maleficent kept there focus on them.

"Guys, aim for her eyes, if we can blind her she'll turn back." I told Ling ling and Hawk.

"Got it." Hawk said.

"Pumpkin magic!!" "Snow magic!!" "Fan magic!!" We all casted.

Maleficent turned to us just in time, all our spells hit near her eye, she roared and covered her eyes.

"Yeah!" We cheered.

But it didn't hit her eye's she turned back to us with glowing eyes filled with anger.

"Uh, guys!!!"

She fired flame's at us.

"Noooo!!!" The others yelled.

We we're hit with the flames and was  blown off to the wall.

"Tower Magic!!" I hear Asotira yell.

Then vines, started to grow at the wall and caught us before we hit the wall.

They ran to us.

Regal Academy:  fairytale ever after (Completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora