Ch. 2 - Conffesions

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Hawk's POV:

I'm really scared of what she might say right now, I looked down waiting for her to say something.

"Hawk I......"

'Here it comes' I thought.

"I love you too." She said it, She said IT !!!!!!!

I looked up to her smiling like a maniac, and hugged her tight. She seemed surprised but hugged back.

"So should we tell the team tomorrow?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, what do you think their reaction might be." I wondered out loud.

"Well, I know for sure they might congratulate us or squeal." Rose said and chuckled at the thought.

"So it's  getting late we should go to your house." I said looking the clock on the wall.

Rose agreed, we went to her house holding hands. When we went to her house, Rose decided to introduce me to her parent's.

"Mom! Dad! I'm  home!" She said.

"Hey Rose so how's sch-.... And who do we have here." Rose's mom said looking at me.

"Mom meet Hawk...... He's my boyfriend." Rose said.

Her mom looked at me.

"Pleased to meet you." I said being polite.

"Hawk, you can call me Clara, Dave we have someone we would like you to meet!" Her mom called out.

"I hope your dad likes me." I said nervously to Rose.

"I hope so too." She said.

Her dad came.

"Oh and who is this Rose." He looked at me.

"Dad this is...... My.... Boyfriend Hawk." Rose said, I can see a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Oh, can me and Hawk talk in private?" Her dad asked.

Uh oh.

"Uh, sure." Rose said.

I followed Rose's dad in the kitchen.

"So Hawk, do you really love my daughter?" He asked suspiciously.

"Sir, ever since I've  met Rose I couldn't  take my eyes off of her, I've  always protected her from harm, I love your daughter and I wouldn't  do anything to hurt her." I explained to her dad.

He just smiled at me.

"One more question." He said.

"Did you give an apple to Rose?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Well, your okay with me Hawk, and calk me Dave." He smiled.

We went back to Rose and her mom.

"Clara can I talk to you." Rose's dad asked her mom.


While her parents talked Rose asked me.

"What did my dad do?" She asked.

"Nothing just asked me questions." I replied.

"Oh, so what did he say."

"He said I was okay for you, besides I would never hurt you." I kissed her cheek.

She blushed a bit.

"I should go back, granny Snowwhite might be worried." I said.

"Alright, meet you at school tomorrow." Rose said and kissed me.

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