Ch. 7 - winter ball moved?? And Why Dayna??

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Rose's POV:

I was worried I can't go to the Winter ball.

"Hey, Pumpkin we have something to tell you." Hawk said.

"What is it?" I asked.

They looked at each other.

"Because of your condition, they moved the winter ball, next week so they will have time to cure your curse." Astoria said.

I was happy they moved it, it means if they can find the cure I can go to the ball.

"Really?!" I squealed.

"Yeah!" Travis replied.

I hugged them tight, then I fell drowsy and remembered. It was already the end of the day, we had fun learning the swan dance with Odette, and of course Astoria is the one who aced it.

"Guy's I feel drowsy." I said, tired.

"Oh, let's just ride my dragon so we can go there faster." Hawk said.


Hawk's POV:

Everynight, I stay at Rose's room, to look after her when she sleeps.

We rode my dragon to Cinderella castle, her mom was told about the curse and thought it would be best if she stayed here until the curse is lifted.

"Hi granny." Rose said, weakly.

"Oh my, Rose are you feeling well?" Her granny asked.

"I don't think so." She replied.

I carried her bridal style to her room and granny Cinderella followed. I lays her down on her bed and felt her forehead.

I gasped.

"What is it Hawk?" Her granny asked.

"I think she has a fever....... Is that part of the curse." I replied.

"I think so, I'll go ask the other professor, keep an eye on Rose OK Hawk." She asked.

I nodded.

I see Gigi, on Rose's table watching her protectively.

"Gigi, Doc I'm  gonna take a small nap, keep an eye for her pls, wake me up if there is something wrong." I said.

Gigi playfully saluted and Doc went near Rose to keep under watch.


SnowWhite's POV:

I am really worried for Rose, and when I heard about the fever, I came to Cinderella Castle with the other professor, her team came to.

"I thought it's a nightmare curse not a fever." Travis asked.

"Us too." They agreed.

Just then we hear Rose scream. We rushed to her room. Hawk had her in his arm's stroking her hair lovingly, while Rose was shivering with fear. We went to them.

"What happened?" Astoria asked worried.

"D-Dayna was in my dream, a-and she s-said, that she w-w-will destroy the c-cinderella family and that my friends h-hat m-me." She said and started to cry.

"Rose, we would never say that, you are the best friend we could ever have." Joy said.

"Us too." The rest said.

Hawk kissed her cheek to calm her down and draped his arm around her, she did the same.

"But why, would Dayna be in her dream." I asked.

"Hey I remembered something." Lin ling said.

We all looked at her.

"I heard Vicky talking to Dayna the other day, saying she was the one who put the curse on Rose." She said.

We were all shocked that the new student was doing this.

"What are you gonna do." Rose asked.

"Let's cure your curse first, it seems to get worse because of the fever, then we'll think about Dayna." Cinderella said.

I was suspicious about Dayna something about her doesn't seem right. I should tell this to the other teachers.

"May I have a talk with the professor's first, you all can stay here." I said.

The other professor's followed me and we talked about Dayna.


Ling ling's POV:

The teachers seem to be on the page as us. But right now we are just hanging out in Rose's room, Gigi playing with the other pet's.

'I wonder if I could get one.' I thought.

Rose and Hawk we're cuddling on her bed and Astoria was brushing her hair, me and Travis were also cuddling in the couch, Joy was... Well, being Joy.

"I'm starting to get scared of Dayna." Travis said.

Rose gasped.

"Pumpkins seeds! I just noticed something." Rose exclaimed.

We all looked at her.

"Isn't she a maleficent." She asked.

"Yeah, but what does it have to do with any of this." Joy asked.

"Maybe that's why Vicky sounded excited when I eavesdropped on them." I said.

They paused for a moment.

"I'm gonna take a nap, I don't feel good." Rose said.

Hawk made her lie Down and he sat next to her bed.

"I hope the teachers find a cure." Astoria said.

"They will, Astoria." Hawk said.

He decided to take a small nap too, Gigi and Doc watched over them. But before he took a nap, he kissed Rose's forehead.


Cinderella's POV:

I'm really worried about my Granddaughter. Then SnowWhite came and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Cinderella don't  worry to much, Hawk is her Boyfriend and I'm sure he's as worried as you, we all are." She reassured, but there's worry in her voice too.


Okay,  I had no more time to write more because we are going somewhere that, and we have some family business, but don't worry I will make the next chapter long, if I can get away by typing for the whole day. Heheh.

Anyway that's all
Don't forget to...

And remember...
Go live that fairytale inside of you!!

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