Ch. 23 - a sick Rose

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(It's just oh, this song is nice!!)

Vicky's POV:

"She must be in these places somewhere." I said as I was using my cauldron to find Maleficent.

"Hey Vicky try, skull island." Ruby said.


"Cauldron, cauldron
Let me find
Someone important that likes to hide
Give me her location fast and with ease
And go to skull island to let me seek." I said.

Then the smoke from the cauldron rose up and showed a picture of skull island, then we saw green smoke coming out of it.

"Zoom in Vick." Cyrus said.

"Cauldron go closer." I said.

It went inside and then we saw her, with all the villains she caught locked up in cages.

"Oh no, we gotta tell this to the others." I said.

"Yeah, let's go." Cyrus said.

We went out of the potions lab, and went to Cinderella Castle.


Rose's POV:

~last time~

Cold....... That was all I felt I was cold, limp, then I heard voices calling my name, I didn't know what was happening all I knew was........... I'm really cold.

~present day~

I woke up tired and cold still, I couldn't remember what happened, all I remembered was the cold I felt.

I got up slowly and hugged myself to keep myself warm, since I was still too cold. Then my room door opened to see Hawk enter with a worried/sad look.

"H-H-Hawk?" I managed to stutter out.

He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Rose!!" He ran to me and hugged me tight.

"H-Hawk I'm c-c-c-cold.." I said shivering.

"Oh, hmmmmmm, ah here.." He said.

He grabbed a thick blanket on the side of my bad and wrapped it over me, it felt a bit warm.

"Thanks Apple pie." I kissed his cheek.

"No problem." He said and gave me a peck on the lips, I blushed a bit.

Then the others walked in.

"She's awake!!" The exclaimed and engulfed me in a big hug.

"g-guys......can't .......b-b-breathe!!!!" I barely said.

They realized they were squeezing me and they let go, mom sat beside me and hugged me.

"Wait Rose are you still cold?" Granny asked..

I nodded pulling the blanket closer to me, Hawk put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Well let's go to the living room, Gigi said Vicky was there waiting for us." Mom said.

We nodded and went down, I was still a bit cold.

We saw Vicky, Ruby and Cyrus waiting for us down the stairs.

"Hey, guys." I said.

"Rose you look pale." Ruby said.

"I'm cold that's why, I remember having a fight with Melvin and the I went unconscious and then I felt cold." I explained.

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