Ch. 14 - Travis and Hawk's new ability

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No one's POV:

It has now been a month since Vicky, Cyrus and Ruby has turned down from Evil to good they have been getting along now, Maleficent on the other hand gave up on controlling the trio, so she did what she had to do, although she wanted to stay as the greatest villain ever, the wicked stepsisters were the one who helped her capture the other villains, gave her powers back, and made a deal with her. She can be what she wants to be, but with help from the W.S.S...........

~at R.A.~


"What was that?" Astoria asked.

Vicky looked around for any signs.

"It looks like an explosion happened there." She pointed to where the smoke was.

"Thats at Cinderella Castle.......oh no. Rose and Hawk are there!!!" She said frightened.

"Oh no, let's go they might be in trouble." Ruby said.

Ruby has no longer gained interest in Hawk when she remembered her past, now she cares for all of her friends.

They ran to where the explosin was.

Everyine was thinking the same thing.

"Please be alright Hase."


Hawk's POV:

~A moment earlier~

Me and Rose were with H. Cinderella talking about the new abilities, and that Rose really has the Cinderella power, but it hasn't come out yet.

Suddenly an explosion came knocking all three of us unconscious.

~a few moments later~

"Hawk....... Hawk....... Wake up!!!"

I bolted up, realizing what happened. Earlier...... Wait where's Rose and granny Cinderella.....

I looked around to see them both still unconscious but was under a big trees.

"Rose!!!" I yelled.

"Hang on guy's I got this." Travis said.

Travis came up and tried to lift the tree but it won't budge.

"Ughhh, come..... On....." He said struggling.

Suddenly he roared, and started to shift into a.......... Beast himself.

"Travis." Ling ling said quietly.

He was truly a beast now, maybe that is his new ability, to have the will of turning into man and beast. (Like the statue in descendants haha)

"I got the tree, go help them." Travis said, his voice didn't change though.

I rushed to them, Astoria helping granny Cinderella, I carried Rose bridal style.

I made a two snow beds and later them down.

I shook Rose gently enough to make her wake up.

Her eye's slowly fluttered open.

"H-Hawk......... What happened....... And WHO is that?!" She asked surprised by Travis's new appearance.

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