The Deal

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Levi wasn't a rough kisser like one would think he would be, and he obviously wasn't passionate. The kiss he gave Melody was gentle and slow. Not sweet, nor soft. Just right. Perfect even, but Melody couldn't tell this. She was struck completely dumb both from his actions earlier, and from shock. He was kissing her. HE WAS KISSING HER! Of course she would be stupefied by this! Her captain was kissing her, and he was doing one hell of a good job at it. Melody remained unresponsive to the kiss, while he gently moved his lips against hers, his hands cupping her cheeks. Although it felt like forever, the kiss did not last long. When Levi realised Melody wasn't returning the favour, he slowly pulled away and gave her some space. He observed her face, but saw no reaction other than the wide eyed, pink faced look she originally had before he made the move. Before Levi could flick her forehead to snap her out of it, he was interrupted by a forced cough that came from the side of the pavilion. Quickly stepping back from Melody, Levi pried his eyes away from her and turned to spot who had interrupted them. Stood on the pathway back towards the mansion, was a scary sight, even for Levi. Sebastian stood staring in their direction, the light coming from behind him creating ominous shadows on his face. His tall figure made him all the more threatening looking, and his red eyes seemed to gleam in silent anger, giving him the image of a demon.

With a deep frown on his face, he called out to the Maria captain, glaring him down as he spoke. "My young master wishes to see you now. In his study" he told him. "And I should let you know that the garden is restricted during this party". "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of that" Levi revealed, stepping out from beneath the pavilion, onto the pathway towards the mansion. He paused when he realised a smaller person was missing from his side. Looking back, he spotted Melody still standing where he left her. "Melody lets go" he called out, startling the still blushing girl out of her hypnotised state. Glancing over at the two males, she took a while to recover, and figure out what was going on, but when she did her eyes dilated in slight fear. Both men were currently staring daggers at each other, and as she switched her sights back and fourth between them, one phrase was clear from her expression. 'Oh shit'. "Oh, um, I'm coming" she spluttered out picking up the hem of her dress and making haste as she walked passed the two men. They followed after her. Melody almost jumped out of her skin when Levi caught up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Go to the ballroom and hang out with Mikasa and Armin" he ordered her. "But Sebastian said....". "That was just for me" Levi clarified. "Oh, okay" she agreed, hesitantly. They entered the back door again, and went back down the hallway where they came from. Melody stopped at the door to the ballroom, while Sebastian and Levi continued moving forward. She hesitated in opening the door to go back in. There was no doubt that she would gain attention again once she joined the party again. She gave a worried glance in the direction of the retreating men, before slowly opening the door and stepping back into the party. The door closed behind her, leaving the two stoic men alone as they continued down the hallway. "So. You seem very close to Melody, for a captain and a crew member" Sebastian muttered through clenched teeth. "So you did see that" Levi confirmed, only to be answered with a dry laugh. "Who wouldn't see it? That pavilion is the first thing someone sees when they enter that garden". They were both silent again when Sebastian lead Levi up the stairs, and around a corner. "You're not good for her" the tall butler muttered, earning the biggest death stare Levi had ever given. "You're a manipulative bastard" the captain snapped back. An evil little chuckle came from the butlers lips.

Nothing amused him more than getting under peoples skin. The short man was no exception, and the fact that Sebastian got to look down at him while he got angry like a bulldog puppy only increased the amusement. It was like when he annoyed his young master, only better, because he actually hated Levi, while with his master it was only teasing. Levi may of been able to scare people lower than him with his terrifying anger, but Sebastian knew that he was just a little bit higher than him, even if he was 'The Strongest Pirate'. The key word was pirate. He had nothing to be afraid of, for he didn't get scared. People only got scared of him. "Now, now Mr. Ackerman, we're grown men. Calling someone names like that is something a child would do" he scolded, in a seemingly mocking tone. "Quit being a hypocrite. You just....". "I was stating a fact, and a concern. You and you're ship are dangerous. Someone like Melody can't possibly be expected to live in constant peril. At least at the manor, she is safe, even if I am a 'manipulative bastard'". Levi gritted his teeth, realising there was truth to the mans words. "Now" Sebastian said, stopping at a door. "Enough with the fighting over petty things. This is my master's study. Where we will discuss the deal with him". Sebastian gave the door a knock and waited for an answer. "Enter" stated a calm voice from inside.

The Adventure on-board the MariaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang