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Keith wandered down the streets, after visiting the black market. He kept everything he bought hidden in his jacket pocket, not wanting Nile or his guards to spot them. Speaking of which, where were they? It had been a good few minutes since he had left the black market and he had walked passed very little guards. Did something happen? Either way he shrugged it off. He never liked the guards anyway. They were always so nosy, snooping into other peoples business and being overprotective of the king. It was annoying. Keith silently thought about this as a gold and red carriage rode passed, being lead by four brown horses. He glanced at it to see two guards sitting either side of the coachman. He could see King Zackly through the window, looking relaxed as ever. When the carriage disappeared from sight, Keith shook his head in irritation. Why did he even move to Sina of all places? It was only filled with snobby rich folk, annoying guards, and those three shits that always boasted at the black market. He still didn't want to go back to being a pirate, but he would of preferred it if he chose somewhere like Kitra, Shiganshina, or Trost. Then again Kitra was an extremely hot place, and Shiganshina practically screamed poverty, and from what he heard Trost was heading down a similar road since Flegal Reeves took over. Keith sighed, beginning to realise how shitty life was becoming.

His grumpy thoughts were interrupted by a familiar scream coming from a near by alleyway. He stopped in his tracks. 'Was that Petra?' he thought to himself. A different scream could be heard. This one sounded more like Hanji. Feeling worried and curious at the same time, he walked in the direction of the noise. He soon arrived near an alleyway where he heard the screams again, along with a loud thud. He cautiously walked up to the opening of the alleyway and peaked around the corner to see what was going on. He stiffened at the sight he met. Petra and Hanji were tied up and gagged by a bunch of guards. Eld was pressed up against a wall by two other guards, one of which was pressing a gun to his head. Both Melody and Levi were shoved to the ground and were being tied up. At the centre of all this was Nile who was watching all of this unfurl. Keith clenched his fist in hatred. He wasn't going to allow this to happen, he was going to stop it.


Eren laid down on the large empty crate, that was once filled with some of their loot, holding the bag of money he had earned from selling it above his head, playing catch with it out of sheer boredom. "They should be on their way back by now, right?" he asked casually. He glanced over at Gunther who was nodding in response to his question. Since Levi and the others had left, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Olua and Gunther had managed to sell everything they were ordered to. Mikasa had kept guard over everything to make sure none of it was stolen, while the others made sure to get buyers. Now that they were done they were able to lounge around until the others came back. Olua had fallen asleep, despite all his boasting about being the most responsible. Gunther was currently counting all the money they had made, making sure they had every penny. The other three sat down to relax, exchanging small spouts of conversation every now and again, sometimes looking around to do some people watching as buyers and sellers alike came and went. It was rather normal for a while, with no events occurring.

As Gunther was finished counting the money, yells of complaint could be heard from nearby passers by. This woke up Olua, who began complaining about the noise. Curious, to see what was going on, they all looked over in the direction of the noise to see Keith shoving through a crowd of people to get to them. He looked very serious, about something, as he came over to them. "Levi and the others are in trouble" he announced. "What?" Armin asked, seeming confused at first. "Nile and his guards caught the others. I spotted it walking passed an alleyway" Keith clarified. "What?!" Eren yelled. Hearing this, Gunther went straight into action, jumping to his feet to give orders. "Armin and Olua, get everything and bring it back to the ship. Prepare it to leave, but wait for us". Olua and Armin nodded, understanding their orders. Gunther then turned to Eren, Mikasa and Keith. "Keith lead the rest of us to where you saw them". Keith turned around and began leading the way. The three of them ran after him. Mikasa was the fastest, and ran up to his side. "Why the hell didn't you do something? Melody could've gotten hurt by now" she complained, her voice dark and angry sounding. "Do you seriously expect me to fight off dozens of guards without a weapon to protect myself?" Keith said, sounding extremely irritated. Mikasa didn't answer that as they all continued running.

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