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"I can't do it!" Melody complained, after missing yet another fish. She and Levi were currently knee deep inside the pond, trying to catch some fish, to make up for the fact that Melody had lost both the giant chicken, and its egg' on Levi's orders. Levi had caught three rather large salmon like fish, so far, while Melody was yet to catch any underwater life. "That's because you're not doing it right" Levi explained, now stood further away from Melody . "You keep on telling me that!" Melody whined. "Last time you told me to catch them with my sword, but the time before that you told me to catch with my hands. Which is it?! Make up your mind!". Levi chuckled. "I thought you said you weren't going to be snappy at me anymore" he reminded. "Well you're making it hard to keep that promise" she grumbled in response. "Besides it's hard to get used to" she added. Levi waded over to her, placing yet another large fish along with the others he caught. "Here, I'll  show you?" he said, walking up beside her. "You see those small fish" he explained, pointing into the water. "You catch them with your hands. The bigger ones you catch with your sword". "You could of explained that earlier" she grumbled, once she realised her mistake. "I did, but you weren't paying attention" Levi snapped back at her, an annoyed scowl on his face. He then looked away, as if he regretted saying that. "Sorry. I guess you're right about the getting used to getting along thing" he apologised.

 "See, isn't so easy is it" Melody teased, a cheeky smirk on her face. "Oh, shut it" Levi grumbled, grabbing onto Melody's sword without warning, and taking it off her. "Here I'll show you how to do it properly" he grunted, pushing her aside so that he could get a better view of the fish. Melody gazed at him as he waited quietly and patiently, before suddenly striking, causing a large splash, and making her jump. Emerging from the water, the sword had a large tuna like fish speared to it. Throwing the fish to the side, along with the others, Levi returned to his previous stance, preparing to catch another one. This time Melody fully concentrated on his position and how he held the sword, as well as how long he waited and how exactly he speared the fish. After two more examples, Levi managed to capture three cat fish. How did he catch three in only two tries? Well, coincidentally, two fish were swimming above and below each other at the same time, consequently resulting in Levi catching both. "Here, you try"  he said, handing her sword back. Being hesitant, Melody took back her sword, and followed the same movements as Levi did before. She waited, and waited, until she tried to lash out and catch one, but she missed by a few inches. She took a deep breath, and reassured herself, before going back to the beginning. Again, she waited and waited, until she speared her sword into the water. An evil, yet victorious grin spread across her face, as she lifted her sword up to reveal a salmon.

"Yes!" she cheered. "I did it! I am..... Mmph!" she was cut off by something covering her mouth. She was suddenly lifted off her feet. She was then pushed behind a rock, and forced into a sitting position, causing the water to go up to her shoulders. She squealed and squirmed as she was held down by the waste. "Shhh" Levi hushed, who was the one holding her down. He was currently sat with his back to a rock as he sat in the water, one hand over Melody's mouth, the other around her waste, as he held her close to his chest. "Mmmm?" Melody muffled, looking up at him in confusion. She removed her gaze from his rather serious looking eyes, which were gazing over the rock they were currently hiding behind. Her eyes travelled downwards, which caused her to blush at the realisation at how close her face was to his bare chest. Averting her gaze again, she looked down at her sword, which she still had in her hand, and realised the fish she had caught was gone. She restrained herself from biting Levi in the hand, for making her lose her first catch, so instead she chose to glare up at him, without him knowing. She stopped when she caught the sound of rustling in the bushes. That was soon followed by screaming.......human screaming. "No! No! Stay Away! I just want to get off this island! Please don't kill me! Please!" shouted a male voice.

Shocked, Melody made Levi loosen his grip on her, so that she could peek over the rock along with him. Beside the bank of the pond, was a young man, with scruffy, brown hair and a stubble beard and moustache. His clothes consisted of brown trousers, and boots, with a white shirt under a brown vest. All of these were torn and bore many holes. His skin was a golden tan colour. He had dark lines under his petrified, amber eyes. He was extremely thin, but average in height. He stumbled back until he tripped over the fish that remained on the bank. 'Shit, he's going to steal our fish' Melody thought, gazing in anticipation of what was going to happen next. The man, who Melody decided to call Brown, kneeled and stared at the fish for a while, before snatching one up with his hands. At first, Melody thought he was going to eat it, but instead, he turned to face the forest, holding the fish up towards it. "See, I have fish! You like fish don't you! Your hungry aren't you! I'll give you this fish and you won't be hungry anymore! Just don't kill me please!". 'Is Brown mad or something?' Melody thought, since so far, it looked like he was talking to nothing. 'Where did Brown come from anyway? Is he from one of those ships on the beach?' she wondered.

She stopped thinking about these things when she heard another rustle come from the forest, along with loud thumps as whatever caused it got closer. Soon, the branches of the bushes gave way to reveal an absolutely huge man. He had to be at least seven feet tall. He was very thin, but he made up for it in mussel. He wore no clothes apart from a dirty white cloth rapped around his waste. He had black, shaggy, shoulder length hair, and black, beady eyes. He held a large club in his left hand as he stomped closer to Brown, his shaggy hair shadowing his face. "H-here, take the fish" Brown begged, still holding up the fish in his hand. The taller man said nothing, but continued to slowly walk towards Brown. His skin was also very tanned, a lot more than Brown's was. "P-please, t-take the fish, n-not me" Brown shivered. The other man didn't listen, instead he revealed a sickly grin on his face as he stared down at poor Brown. Then, without warning, he lifted his club in the air, not saying a word as he sent it crashing down onto Browns skull, creating a disgusting cracking noise. Melody yelped at the sight, only to have Levi cover her mouth again. A large puddle of blood formed on the ground, as Brown went limp and fell to the ground, dropping his fish. The blood managed to spread everywhere, and even managed to drain into the pond water. Brown's murderer ignored the fish, and instead grabbed Brown by the leg, and dragged him back into the forest.

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