Alois Trancy

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Melody had woken up late the following day. At around ten o'clock, she opened her eyes, and rose to find that she was left alone in Levi's room. She got to her feet, and began getting herself ready for the upcoming day. As she leaned down and reached for her boots, she was startled as her silver eyes met those of a serpent, hidden within the depths of her shoe. She screeched, as she flung herself back and kicked her boot to the other side of the room, where it hit the wall with a loud thud. Levi was not going to be happy with her, since the boot ended up knocking over several items of his. Melody remained where she was for about a minute, before a small snake quickly slithered out of her shoe and under the doorway.

Giving a huff of relief, Melody made her way over, and carefully picked up her boots, being extra careful in case there were any other snakes. 'Screw Snake and screw his......snakes' Melody gave out to herself. Once she was ready, she left Levi's room, making sure to close the door behind her. She made her way down the steps and into the lounge, restraining herself from groaning when she saw who was there. She held her nose as she wandered through the smoke towards the bar, where Snake and Levi were waiting with her breakfast. "Good morning Ms Melody" Lau greeted, from his usual spot with Ran-Mau by his hip, and just as care free as ever.  "Melody. My love, me and Agni have brought you some curry buns for breakfast" Prince Soma called out from beside the bar, both him and Agni earning unpleasant looks from Levi, who was sat there drinking tea. Melody gave an exasperated sigh, as she made her way over to the breakfast Snake offered, and shaking her head at the spicy looking omelette, that Agni offered. Despite being disappointed at her rejecting his offer, Prince Soma ate the omelette himself. She instantly began gorging on the bread and eggs that she was served, feeling starving after not having proper supper the night before. "Why didn't you wake me up this morning, when you left the room? I needed to be helping the girls" she gave out to Levi in between mouthfuls. Lau began to suddenly cough, as he inhaled too much smoke, and at the same time, Prince Soma began to choke on his omelette. Both Agni and Ran-Mau attempted to assist their respected partners.

"You were up late last night, so I let you sleep in" Levi answered her, continuing to drink his tea. "You were up late too" Melody grumbled, moving on to drink some water. Both Lau and Prince Soma's faces began to go red, as they continued to violently choke. Soma's eyes even began to water. "'I hope you two had a lovely night together' Emily coos" Snake interrupted, by narrating his pets. Melody's cheeks went red at this comment, as she gulped down the rest of her meal. "Nothing happened! Stop jumping to conclusions!" she exclaimed, ignoring Levi's also rosy cheeks, as she pointed an accusing finger at the snake that appeared to be the one Snake was narrating. She realised it was also the snake that she had found in her boot that morning. "And why the heck were you in my boot this morning" she accused. 'Dear god I'm going just as crazy as the people here, I'm talking to a snake' she thought. Snake didn't narrate an answer. By now Prince Soma and Lau had stopped coughing. Huffing in irritation, Melody turned around and stomped off towards the exit, planning on catching up to the girls. "'Actually, can you do a favour Melody' calls out Bernadette".

Hearing Snake, Melody came to a stop. "What is it?" she sighed, turning back around to face them all. Snake stepped out from the bar, and made his way over to her, one of his snakes holding out a peace of paper. "' We have been running out of plates and cutlery, thanks to Ciels servants. Some new ones have been ordered and should come in today, can you go get them? This is the address' requests Robert" . Snake took the peace of paper that was in the serpents mouth, and handed it to Melody.Melody looked at the peace of paper, to see the address written and a note from Snake himself, as well as his signature. Then she glanced behind Snake to check if it was okay with Levi. He reassured her by giving a nod. "Okay" she accepted, taking the address, and turning around to leave. "'Thank you' Robert thanks", she heard as she went out the door.

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