A Monster In The Heart

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Melody stood on the deck, silently sweeping away, not fully paying attention to what she was doing, too busy thinking about recent events. The entire deck was silent, with her and Eren being the only people there, while the older crew members were having a meeting in the captain's quarters. Armin and Mikasa were nowhere to be seen. Unknown to Melody, they were both too embarrassed to come out. Eren was busy wiping down the masts, but he sent quick glances in Melody's direction. A light breeze blew through the air. It was extremely gentle and was barely noticeable, but for some reason Melody had a feeling that it wasn't going to be too long before that changed. The sky was dark, with the sun being hidden away by clouds. There were no birds flying in the sky, as if they were hiding away from something. The sea was calm, with no waves, but like the wind, Melody had a feeling that was going to change. She gave a low sigh. The ominous atmosphere was taking a toll on her mood. 'I feel so bad for rejecting Mikasa' she thought to herself, feeling the guilt pulsing through her veins. She shook her head trying to shake the negative thoughts out of it. It wasn't her fault, she told the truth and stayed true to her heart. At least she didn't laugh in Mikasa's face and reject her in the most painful way possible. That was something Melody wouldn't dream of doing.

She allowed the more depressing thoughts to drain out of her head, as they were replaced by others. 'A lot of weird things have happened recently' she thought. 'First, Eren started talking French to me  for no apparent reason, then he showed up dressing up like Levi, then Armin comes up to me today speaking gobbledygook before running off screaming. What gives? Has everyone succumb to Hanji's nutty ways'. Melody shook her head, her mouth forming a small grin at the funny thought. "What's so funny Melody?" Eren questioned from his perch in the masts, noticing her humorous expression. "Oh nothing" Melody answered, waving it off. Seeing Eren reminded her about a question that she had in her head ever since these weird events had started happening. With Eren always talking to her, Levi hadn't done anything about it. Melody had been keeping his threat to punish her if he ever caught her interacting with Eren in mind, that was why she was so worried whenever Eren came up to her. However, that punishment never came, even though Levi was stood right there watching the conversations unfurl. This made Melody really confused. A minute later, and the door to the captain's quarters opened up, as the others came stepping out. "Where's Mikasa and Armin?" Levi demanded, glaring at Melody. She shrugged in response. "Go get them Shitty Glasses" he sighed, rubbing his head impatiently. He seemed more stressed than usual, probably because of the storm that was possibly seconds away from starting. "Eye, eye Shorty" Hanji cheered, giving a silly salute, earning an annoyed growl from the man himself before she ran down the steps in search for the two.

"Get down Yeager, we need you down here" Levi called out. "Okay Captain. Can someone help me bring these cleaning things down?" Eren requested. Hearing his request, Olua, Eld and Gunther went over to help him, leaving it as just Levi, Petra and Melody. Remembering the rule that Levi had to keep an eye on her, Melody placed her broom down and made a step towards him, but suddenly stopped at the sight of what happened next. "You look very nice today Captain" Petra complimented. She slanted her hip slightly, and began twirling a strand of her hair, her cheeks going a slight pink colour. "Thanks" Levi responded, his expression unwavering as he continued to stare at her. Melody suddenly sent a glare, but for once it wasn't in Levi's direction, it was at Petra. 'Is she flirting with him' a voice growled in her head, as a strange feeling began erupting inside her. She never had this feeling before, but she hated it already. It was like a monster had just woken up inside her heart. No, it wasn't a monster, it was more like a beast, and it was angry! "I've seen your fighting skills. They're pretty good" Petra went on, lightly stroking his chest, her cheeks going even redder. "I bet that's not the only thing you're good at". The monster inside gave a loud growl in unison with Melody herself. This caught Levi's attention, and he glanced over at her, then at the broom she left behind her. "Melody put away that broom" he scolded. "Fine" Melody grumbled, still sending a glare at a now scared looking Petra as she made her way back down the steps to put away the broom as requested. On her way there, she went passed Hanji, who had Armin and Mikasa following her. Armin gave a slight blush at the sight of Melody, while Mikasa averted her eyes to the floor. Melody paid no heed of them, as she was too distracted with her emotional state. She got to the cleaning closet and placed the broom inside, before turning to go back.

She reached the top of the steps again, only to have the monster inside her give a ferocious roar at what she saw next. Petra was walking away from Levi with a massive blush on her face. 'What is she blushing at? WHAT IS SHE BLUSHING AT?!' the voice in her head growled, as Petra walked over to the line that the others had formed. They were all acting weird, shuffling their feet and averting their eyes away from Petra. 'What the fuck is their issue?! And what the fuck is he smirking at?!' the voice was growling, as Melody noticed that Levi was looking away from the line and at her. "Take you're sweet ass time Melody, we'll just wait here politely while the storm gets ever closer" Levi remarked sarcastically. Melody grumbled insults as she made her way to the line, standing up straight in between Hanji and Gunther.


Petra stood there in front of Levi, fiddling with her hair, her face remaining the same rosy red. 'Fuck you Hanji for this stupid idea' she thought to herself. She adjusted her posture trying to make her look more sexy like Hanji told her to do. 'Fuck you Hanji for making me do this'. "How about we do some "sword fighting together"" she said, silently cringing. 'Fuck you Hanji and your shitty pick up lines'. Levi didn't appear to notice what Petra was saying, since he was too busy looking over at the steps, waiting for Melody to come out. Hanji and the other two came out, but Melody was still not coming out. "How about we...." Petra began but was suddenly interrupted by something pressing against her lips. It was Levi's index finger, which he was using to silent her so that he could speak. "Everyone except Petra get in line" he called out. Everyone obeyed his order. He removed his finger from Petra's lips then spoke up again. "I am sick and tired of all of you messing about" he yelled, looking around at all of them. Everyone began shuffling about looking everywhere other than him. "All of you need to stop acting so fucking childishly. I'm sick and tired of you making ridiculous plans behind my back and disobeying orders. No more matchmaking..." he pointed at Hanji. "...no more shitty romances..." he pointed at the Shiganshina trio. "....and no more flirting" he pointed at Petra, who turned as red as a tomato because of being singled out . "Now in line Petra, and I'll have you know that I'm not interested" he stated. Petra felt a small crack form in her heart, but she held it together as she made her way into the line, still beat red. As if on que, Melody stepped on board, looking emotionless, but with a spark of some sort of emotion evident in her eyes. Petra glanced over at Levi and felt another crack form in her heart as she saw a smirk evident on his face at the sight of Melody. "Take you're sweet ass time Melody, we'll just wait here politely while the storm gets ever closer" Levi remarked sarcastically. Petra could hear Melody grumble insults as she made her way to the line, to stand in between Hanji and Gunther.

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