"Marry Me!!!!"

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A week went by, as the Maria crew continued to adjust to being in Black Harbour. They were gradually developing a daily routine by now. In the morning, Levi would wake up (often finding a snake somewhere in his room), then he would go knock on the girls door to wake them up. They would all then go down and have breakfast curtesy of Snake, before the girls went out to continue repairs on the ship. Later on, in the afternoon, they would finish up and go back to The Modest Serpent Inn to have lunch, passing the boys on their way there, switching shifts with them. When they got back to the inn, they would, to their displeasure, meet Lau and Ran-Mau, who would show up everyday, for whatever their reason was, and talk to whoever was their, as well as smoke whatever was in that golden pipe . If they were lucky, Lady Red would show up to give Eren a check up, allowing at least one of them to go upstairs to join her, and escape Lau's poisonous smoke cloud. Lizzie quite often showed up along with Madame Red, and when she did, she would request to spend time with Melody. During their time together, Lizzie would be the one most likely talking. She would talk about what any girl of her age and nobility would talk about; dresses, teddies, accessories, sweets and various cutesy things like that. More than once, her conversational topic fell all on Ciel, her fiancé. Each time this started, she would end up fawning over him for hours, and each time it ended, she brought up a subject that made Melody very uncomfortable and embarrassed. Boys, and more importantly, weather or not Melody showed any interest in any. Every time this conversation came up, Lizzc warned Melody that Ciel was forbidden. Cue Lizzie's surprisingly scary demon face. Once Madame Red was finished checking on Eren, she, and - if she was there - Lizzie, would go downstairs, and leave, along with Lau and his lady, ridding the inn of any craziness, with the exception of Snake, who was proving to be a surprisingly pleasant person converse with. Supper was then served, before everyone bid themselves goodnight and went to bed.


It was Sunday, one of the few days that Madame Red and Lizzie did not decide to show up. The girls had returned from their shift, and had just finished their lunch. As per usual, Lau and Ran-Mau had showed up, and were turning the lounge into a blocked chimney. Melody, had gotten the perfect excuse to escape for air, and was currently going upstairs to check on Eren. She continued to cough on her way up the stairs, seeming very out of it due to breathing in so much of the fumes. She failed to pay attention to where she was going, and thus, accidently went up an extra flight of stairs, arriving at the second floor. Unlike the first floor, where her room was resonating, the second floor, the stairs did not lead to a hallway, instead they lead to a set of double doors. Melody realised her mistake once she walked strait into them. 'Oh crap' she thought to herself. 'I'm on the second floor. Snake warned me not to be here' she panicked, fearing whatever dreadful consequences were coming her way. "Coming" came a friendly, foreign voice from the opposite side of the doorway. 'Crap, they must of heard me bumping into the door and mistaken it for knocking' Melody panicked, as she heard footsteps coming closer to the door. She took a few steps back, thinking that maybe she would make it down the stairs again before the door opened, but with her being Melody she ended up tripping back, and falling on her but, just about missing the stairs, and just when the door cracked open.

To her surprise, a friendly face peered through the door, a gentle smile adorning his face. "Hello there, welcome to....oh, are you alright there Ms" the person asked, gazing down in worry once he noticed Melody on the floor. He was a tall Indian man with dark, olive skin, slate-grey eyes, and short, stark white hair. Two long locks of his hair were adorned with beads. He donned a plain turban and a green sherwani with a yellow and white sash-over churidar. He wore silver hoop earrings and a decorative bindi. He kept his right hand and forearm wrapped in bandages. "I'm okay" Melody huffed in embarrassment, as she tried to get back to her feet, only to fall on her ass again. Looking pitiful for her, the Indian man made his way over and helped her up, earning a quiet thank you from her. "Now what was it that you needed?" he asked, once Melody was back on her feet. He only earned an embarrassed look from the small blonde. "It was you who knocked on the door was it not?" he asked, trying to show that he wasn't one to bite. He would of interrogated further, if another voice from the room hadn't interrupted him.

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