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"I knew it!" Hanji cheered. Eren had returned to the guys room and had told them all why he didn't get to confess to Melody. Hanji had decided to sneak in and find out as well, and now that she had, she was jumping up and down on all of their beds, rejoicing for some reason, while the others were giving out to her. "Hanji, what the hell?! Gunther was yelling as she dived from his bed to Olua's, making a huge mess of the sheets. Poor Armin was trying desperately to sleep through all this chaos, blocking all the noise out with a pillow, but alas, the crazy woman was clearly not leaving anytime soon. "Shorty's jealous. Shorty loves Little One! Eeeh! They can make cute little babies together" she squealed, fangirling over the concept. "That's literally the opposite of what I said" Eren contradicted. "Captain said he didn't want people in his crew getting distracted with romance, that's why he was annoyed with me". "He's just saying that to hide the fact that he's jealous. Now all we need is for some sort of event that could make them realise their true....". "Hanji I thought you wanted to help me!" Eren complained. Hanji halted in her crazy jumping and turned to grin at Eren. "That's true, but I would also like Shorty to get her as well, or Mikasa, or Armin. Anyone really". She plopped down onto Elds bed, earning an annoyed complaint from the owner. Her face became serious all of a sudden. "You see" she went on, her tone just as serious as her expression. "Ever since Melody first got on our ship, she's been miserable, and has been wanting to go home. I was hoping if she possibly got a lover she would be more happy and would want to stay with us". After hearing this, everyone took a moment to stand where they were, taking in what Hanji said. "Plus I like playing matchmaker" Hanji added, giving a cackle and grinning deviously. "Get out!" Eld snapped his face going lightly red from frustration. He grabbed onto Hanji's shoulders, pulled her up to her feet, turned her around, then pushed her out towards the door. Once she was outside, he slammed the door shut behind her. "Rude" she grumbled.


"Hanji what the hell are you planning?" questioned Mikasa, as the brunette dragged both her and Armin down the hallway. "You'll see" was all she got back. They reached the spare room, where Hanji stopped to peak in. Melody stood inside, singing gently to herself as she swept the floor......for the billionth time that week. Right now, she wasn't being cautiously watched by Levi, since he had called all the older crew members to a meeting about planning for the storm that was heading their way, but of coarse, Hanji took this as an opportunity to do....something, rather than obeying the captains orders. Hanji gave a tiny, slightly evil giggle when she saw that Melody was where she was supposed to be. She turned around, letting go of both Armin and Mikasa's arms. "Now, you two go ahead and confess to her" she said casually, walking passed them on her way back to the steps. "What?!" Armin exclaimed. Mikasa didn't seem to give any major reaction because one, she was kind of expecting something like this, and two, because she was Mikasa, nothing really surprised her. "B-but Eren said last night that Captain didn't want us getting distracted with romances" Armin stuttered. "What Shorty doesn't know, doesn't hurt him" Hanji stated, turning her head to look at them again, her grin still evident on her face as she waggled her finger at them. She turned around again and went up the steps, leaving Mikasa and Armin alone in the hallway, with Melody in the room beside them, still oblivious to their presence.

"Come on Mikasa lets go, we don't have to do it if she's not here" Armin whispered, taking a step in the direction that Hanji left. He was about to continue on, but he felt a strong hand grab onto his wrist and hold him back. He glanced behind him in confusion, his eyes meeting Mikasa's. "We're doing it" she commanded rather bluntly. "W-what?!" Armin repeated, feeling his cheeks heat up. "We're confessing to Melody" Mikasa explained. "What?! Mikasa, know, we don't have to Hanji....". "Is going to be pestering us to make sure we did what she told us, and if we don't, she'll make us do it again, but will end up being with us instead making sure we do". Armin took in what Mikasa had to say, realising the truth to her words. He stepped back beside Mikasa, and looked into the room where Melody stood. He felt himself blushing even more, seeing the  sun shine in through the window onto her petite form, the light shining on her golden locks, the sun rays causing her gentle silver eyes to glimmer and illuminating her pale white skin. "S-so" Armin whispered, looking back at Mikasa. "Who's going first?". Mikasa glanced at him, then glanced back at Melody. "You" she stated bluntly. "What?!" Mikasa that's not fair" Armin whined. "Well it's better getting it over and done with, so I'm technically giving you an advantage". Armin didn't answer to this, but just continued looking at his feet, nervously shuffling about, his palms getting sweaty, his face going red and his heart and lungs racing each other seeing which could beat or breath the fastest.

Getting impatient, Mikasa pushed him through the doorway, making him stumble forward and accidently bump into Melody's back. Surprised by the unexpected contact, Melody turned around to see Armin standing as straight as a pencil, and as red as a tomato. "Hello Melody, how are you this lovely morning" he croaked, feeling like he was about to faint any minute as his legs were shaking. "Hi egghead. I'm great how are you?" she greeted, giving one of her rare smiles that always made Armin flustered. As expected, Armin's face went even redder, if that was even possible, not only because of that, but because she called him egghead, which she hadn't done in a while. "I-I'm good" he mumbled, looking back over at Mikasa, who silently edged him on from the other side of the doorway. 'Here goes nothing' he thought, taking a nervous gulp and breathing a deep breath. "IreallyreallylikeyouMelodyandIthinkyou'rereallyprettyandIlikethemusicyouplayandIjustwantedyoutoknowthatBYE!" he screeched, speaking so fast that what he said sounded like a foreign language. Once he "confessed" he turned on his heals and ran out the door, passed Mikasa, who had just slapped herself across the head over what just happened. He ran down the hallway, screaming at the top of his lungs out of pure embarrassment, unintentionally letting the entire ship know that he was there. Meanwhile, Melody was stood where he left her, broom in hand, staring after him as he disappeared down the hallway, stalk still, eyes wide and silently wondering what the hell just happened.

As Melody was left to recover, Mikasa was now in her spot, silently prepping herself up. "Come on Mikasa you can do this" she mumbled to herself. "Don't mess up, don't trip like Eren, don't stutter like Eren, don' whatever the hell Armin did, just go, just do it, just do it, make your dreams come true". Taking one last reassuring breath, Mikasa stepped into the room. "Hello Melody" she said in her usual emotionless voice, which was muffled by her red scarf, which she was using to hide her small blush. "Mikasa can you please explain what Armin just said and did to me" Melody mumbled, not quiet back in her train of thought yet. "No clue" Mikasa blurted out, wanting to get to the point already so that it was over and done with. "Listen Melody, I have something really important to tell you" she said in a serious tone, catching Melody's attention again. "Go ahead Mikasa, you can tell me" she replied. She gave a little gasp as Mikasa suddenly stepped closer and grabbed onto her shoulders, looking down at her in a strange way. "I really like you Melody" Mikasa confessed. Melody smiled, misunderstanding what she meant by "like". "I like you too Mikasa" she giggled. "No Melody you don't get it" Mikasa corrected. "I REALLY like you. I love you". At those words Melody's face went from it's normal pearly white, to a light shade of pink. "O-oh" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. Mikasa aloud the reality to sink in. She herself, felt relieved now that the weight was off her chest, but at the same time could feel the nerves coming back thanks to the lack of a reply from Melody, who was just stood there wide eyed, with her mouth remaining  open as if she waiting for something to come out.

After standing that way for a good few minutes, Mikasa lost her grip on Melody's shoulders and took a step back, averting her gaze from Melody's glimmering eyes to the dull ground. Outside, a dark cloud covered up the sun, causing the room they were in to become darker. "I'm.....I'm sorry Mikasa" came a mumble from in front of the Asian girl. "But....but I........I......I don't return your feelings". At these words, Mikasa's heart swelled with pain. She was expecting a rejection, but it still left a stabbing feeling in her chest. "It's okay Melody" she muttered, slowly looking back up at Melody's now sad and guilt ridden eyes. "I'm really sorry Mikasa, but I've never seen girls that way, and.....I see you more like a sister". Mikasa did well at hiding her emotions, because right now she felt like she was being burnt to death from the inside. "It's okay Melody" she repeated. Things went silent for a while. "Well, uh......" Melody said awkwardly. "I need to go and clean the'll just go". She picked up all her cleaning things and walked out the room, leaving Mikasa alone.

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