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After what felt like forever, evening finally came, which lead to the other girls arriving back to their room. Melody could first tell that they were coming, by the  sound of Hanji's chattering. Minutes later, her, Mikasa and Petra entered, the last two having very tired and annoyed faces. "Little one!" Hanji cheered, running over to hug Melody, despite her protests. It was an awkward hug, since both of them wore slings on their arms. "So glad you're okay!" Hanji squealed, finally letting go of Melody after a while. Petra was already laying in her bed looking over at both of them with sleepy eyes, while Mikasa  sat in the corner of the room making a bed for herself. "I'm so glad you're part of the crew" Hanji cheered, jumping on to the other bed and pulling out her scrapbook from underneath her pillow. "And whats even better is that we got to see the Titan crew. It's a bit disappointing that Annie escaped and that the other two died, but look...".The crazy woman opened the book, revealing a tuft of blond hair stuck to the pages, with a red stain smudged underneath it. "...I got some of Reiner's blood and hair". All three of the other girls looked away in disgust. "Hanji, I told you not to show that anymore, it's disgusting, weird, creepy and just wrong" Petra groaned, turning over under the sheets to face the wall. "You're such a party pooper Petra" moped Hanji, putting away her book again. "Goodnight Hanji" Petra called out, indicating that she was going to sleep. Hanji pouted and looked back at Melody. "But I wanted to stay up and talk" she whined, still addressing Petra. "I'm too tired Hanji" Petra grumbled. "But Petra...". "But Hanji....". Hanji huffed in defeat.

"So Little one, what was it like being a prisoner on the Titan" Hanji asked, curiosity sparkling in her eyes, as she gave her signature creepy smile. "Dirty, rat infested and uncomfortable" Mikasa barged in before Melody could even speak. "Not to mention, that pervert Reiner always trying to get to Melody". Hanji grabbed a pen and began scribbling the information down. As she did this, Melody noticed how Mikasa was laying down on the floor with a blanket covering her and a pillow underneath her head. "Mikasa don't you have a bed" Melody asked, concern in her voice. Mikasa shook her head and mumbled "I don't mind". Melody looked at her in shock. "But you already spent days sleeping on the floor in a cell, how can you continue sleeping like that?". Mikasa just shrugged. "Like I said, I don't mind, at least I have a pillow and blanket". Melody continued looking at her in disbelief. "There's no point trying Melody. Neither me or Hanji could persuade her". Melody darted her head back to Petra, who was facing them again. "But at least she was nice enough to give me some hair samples" Hanji butted in, showing the black locks stuck to a page of her book, looking extremely pleased with herself. Petra rolled her eyes in disgust and annoyance before she turned back around, facing away from them again. "Shut up I'm trying to sleep" she grumbled. She had clearly had a busy and tiring day. "Ok" Hanji said, as she went under the covers of her own bed and dimmed the oil lantern beside her . Silence followed for a long time, with only the sound of Hanji shuffling about in her bed and everybody's breathing.

 "Little one" Hanji whisper yelled, after some time. "What?" Melody answered. with her eyes closed. "Did they feed you on the Titan?". "No". "What about the temperature?". "Freezing". "Wow, I wish I could of been on there". Melody opened one eye in confusion, wondering why on earth she would want to be there, then she closed it again, remembering that it was Hanji she was talking about. More silence followed. "I can't wait until our next raid" Hanji whisper yelled. "Why, when is it?" Melody asked. "About a month and a half" came Hanji's answer. "Shorty says we're stopping off at this place called Kitra. It's a big town full of foreign people, meaning there will be lots of herbs and spices. He mainly wants to get tea leaves. He loves his tea, always drinks it weird, with his hand over the cup. I hope my shoulder is better by then so that I can tag along. It sounds like so much fun". Melody could tell Hanji was wriggling about in her bed from excitement. She couldn't help but agree with her though. Kitra did sound interesting, and she never got the chance to meet much foreign people apart from Mikasa, so she was curious on what they were like. She wanted to hear the different languages they spoke and find out what they sounded like. Too bad she was probably not going to go, since she doubted her injuries would be better by then. She gave a little sigh of disappointment. She  just had to ask one of her friends to tell her all about it when they got back. Then again, she could always look over the edge of the boat and see what the harbour was like. Hanji heard the sigh from Melody. "Don't worry Little one. I'm sure you'll get to see Kitra some day". Melody nodded even though she knew Hanji couldn't see her. "I told you to shut up, and let me get some sleep" came Petra's annoyed and groggy voice, followed by the sound of a pillow being flung in Hanji's direction. Hanji gave off a silly giggle as she passed the pillow back to Petra. A loud knocking could be heard on the other side of the wall, in the room next to theirs. "Shut the fuck up and let us get some sleep" came Olua's angry voice. Hanji answered with another giggle, and soon enough everyone had all settled back down. Drowsiness took over everyone, as all, except for  Captain Levi patrolling the deck, fell asleep.

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