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Melody nuzzled her face into the soft fabric that lay on top of her. It was so cosy and smelled clean. It didn't smell like roses, perfume or anything that people used to make themselves smell better, it just smelled clean, like something brand new that you get from an expensive clothes shop, but because of some of the warn fabric, she could tell it wasn't as brand new as it smelled. It gave her a strange safe feeling, like someone was protectively holding her in a pair of strong arms. She smiled and breathed in the comforting scent and turned around slightly, causing the powdery substance beneath her to shift beneath her as she hid her face from the shining sun. Wait. Powdery substance? Sun? Melody squinted her eyes open, allowing them to adjust to her new surroundings as a deep voice beside her spoke. "Tch, why the fuck are you sniffing my jacket? You fucking pervert." Hearing that voice, she shot up to a sitting position, only to instantly regret it as she felt a pounding pain go through her head. She lay back down, with painful scowl on her face and glared in the direction the voice came from. As expected, she spotted Levi sitting beside her, not wearing his jacket and hat for a change. "Tch, are you okay? Do you remember everything? " he asked her, not even glancing down at her, but instead looking straight ahead of him. "Yeah I'm all good" Melody grumbled, looking away from him, snuggling back into the fabric that lay on top of her. Levi noticed this from the corner of his eye and glanced down at her. "I thought I told you to stop being a pervert with my jacket" he complained. Melody opened her mouth to snap back at him, but then closed it again, going slightly red in the face at the realization of what he said . Slowly and awkwardly, she pulled the fabric off of her, and held it up above her, to reveal, to her dismay that it was indeed Levi's black tail jacket. Her face continued to heat up from embarrassment.

"S-sorry" she stammered, quickly handing the jacket back to Levi, before facing away from him. "It's alright" Levi mumbled in reply. "I was the one who gave it to you after all" he continued. Melody could feel her heart still racing. "W-why?" she asked curiously, still facing away. "Well, when we got here it was still pouring rain, and you needed to be kept warm while you were unconscious, so I used my jacket" he bluntly answered. "Oh....okay" was all she said, as she felt around her head for the spot that she landed on. She found it at the back, proven by the fact that when she she touched it she felt a sudden throbbing pain go through her head. She hissed as she poked at the lump that resonated there, once again catching the attention of a certain captain. "You shouldn't be touching it" he scolded, gently grabbing a hold of the hand she was using and pulling it away from her injury. Melody looked at him again, an expression of surprise evident in her face, but that soon turned into a scowl. "Quit bossing me around" she snapped, quickly snatching her hand away. "I'm your captain, I'm supposed to boss you around, so you don't do anything stupid. Like going up the masts when I told you to stay by my side unless I said otherwise" Levi retorted, giving her a flick on the nose. Melody rubbed the spot where he had flicked her, sending him a glare. " I only did that because Armin needed help" she back answered. "He didn't need the help, Mikasa made it to him just in time and she would of been able to handle it on her own" Levi said, his voice beginning to rise along with his temper. "Well maybe I wouldn't of fallen if someone wasn't so terrible at steering the ship" she insulted. He lost his temper at that statement. He placed his hand beside Melody's head and began looming over her, terrifying anger sparking in his eyes.

"Listen here you little peace of shit" he growled. "You're lucky you got away with your life, let alone your memories, and in case you didn't know, I was the one who had to look after you until you woke up, so it would be nice if you appreciated my generosity". 'I would of appreciated it more if you weren't such an annoying asshole' Melody thought to herself, staring back up at him. 'I would rather it if I did die from that fall if it meant getting away from you' she thought to herself . "Enjoying your alone time together, are you" giggled a familiar voice from behind Levi. Only now did they realise the awkward position they were in, with Melody lying down on her back, and Levi kneeling beside her, with his hand placed on one side of her head, causing him to be looming over her very closely. Melody's heart unintentionally began to thump faster, as she felt heat rush up to her face again. She quickly shoved Levi away, causing him to tumble to the side. Looking up at the person who spoke, she squinted slightly as the sun shone down from the pure blue sky, causing the person to cast a shadow over her. She recognised the shiny glasses that were worn over the persons golden brown eyes. Hanji gave a cheeky grin from the sight she just saw, but it quickly vanished and was replaced by a stern frown as she looked straight at Levi. "Sir" she said, her voice sounding serious for once. "I came to talk to you about the ship, I'd preferred it if you came with me". "Is it good news or is it bad news?" he asked as he stood up and dusted something off of his clothing. "Well, there is no good news, but the bad news doesn't seem so bad. It's more like meh news" Hanji sighed. "Okay, just give me a second" Levi huffed, picking his hat from the ground and placing it on his head.

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