Hermit Mode

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"Melody!" called out Eren's voice from the other side of the door Melody was leaning on. She had not left the spare room since the night before, and this was the third time Eren had tried to get her out. "Melody you've been in there since last night and it's now the afternoon. Captain ordered me to clean that room today. He'll kill  me if I don't" Eren begged. Melody didn't budge, nor did she talk, like she did the other two times, remembering Levi's threat. "Melody? Is everything okay?". Still no answer. "You were acting strange last night. Do you want to talk about it". Melody didn't speak. "Come on Melody! What is with you lately!? Quit giving me the cold shoulder! Did I say something wrong?!" Eren yelled. "Did I make you angry?! I'm sorry if I did. Please don't hate me Melody!". "Oi, brat. What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be cleaning"  came the oh so familiar voice of Levi Ackerman, sounding very annoyed as usual. Melody clenched her fists in anger just from hearing his voice. "S-sorry sir. I'll g-get right to it, b-but M-Melody won't l-leave the s-spare room and she's l-locked the door, so I can't start yet" Eren stuttered, suddenly seeming very afraid of Levi. A long silence was followed only interupted by a "Tch" from Levi. "Go help Eld and Gunther with the sails for now." Levi told Eren. "Yes sir" Eren said, before running off down the hallway. His footsteps faded away leaving a long silence, making Melody believe that Levi had left as well. She was wong. "Oi, Melody, get the fuck out of there!" he yelled after half an hour, bashing his fist against the door and making Melody jump. "No!" she yelled back, slouching down against the door. "Quit being a stubborn brat Melody". "Fuck off Levi". "Tch". Levi continued to give out for a good few minutes, ordering Melody to get out or else. Melody blocked out everything he said, only listening to certain words. "You're a stubborn peace of shit you know that......if you don't get out now I'll knock over the door and drag you out myself......are you even listening to me?". Melody didn't answer that. "For fuck sake" he muttered, before finally walking off.


Late evening came and Melody was dozing off, with the moonlight shining in on her face from the small cracks in the ceiling. She still hadn't left the spare room. Another small knock on the door woke her up. "Melody?" came a quiet voice that could only belong to Mikasa. "Are you still in there?". Melody  tapped her foot on the ground to signel she was. "Are you going to sleep in there again?" Mikasa continued. "Me and the others are a bit worried. If it helps I'll change beds, if you want". Melody sat in silence for a while. She considered going back to the girls room, but couldn't bare the thought of how awkward it was going to be after her little outburst the night before. "I'm fine" she mumbled. A few moments passed before Mikasa answered with an "Okay" before taking  few steps away. Her  footsteps paused for a moment, before coming back again. "Melody?" she said again, but this time Melody answered with a quiet "Yes". "Are you angry at Eren for something? He's worried that he might of made you upset. Is that true?". "No" was Melody's answer. She heard Mikasa give a small sigh of relief. "Good. I'll tell him that. Goodnight Melody", and with that she left Melody alone.


Morning came and Melody had not slept all night. Every time she closed  her eyes she could hear the sound of a shotgun ringing in her ears. She still refused to leave the spare room, as she continued to wallow in her own anguish. She did not want to go back out into the world where the likes of Levi would just make her even more miserable. "Melody" came the voice of her fourth visitor, which was Armin. "Is everything alright? It's been over twenty four hours and you still haven't come out. You should know that Captain is threatening to break down the door if you don't come out soon". Melody ignored the warning, not giving a shit about what Levi said. "Has any of this got to do with your homesickness? Do you want to talk it out with someone?" Armin suggested. Melody gave another deep sigh. "No thank you Armin, I'd rather be alone for now" she answered. "Okay" said Armin, who sounded very disappointed. He then walked off like the others.


"Oh Little one!" cooed the cheeky voice of Hanji, it was now afternoon once more. "I stole six bottles of wine from Shorty. I'll give it all to you if you come out". She gave a devious little laugh, thinking that her bribery was going to work. "Go away Hanji" Melody grumbled, unable to believe that the brunette actually thought that her idea would work. Hanji gave a growl of irritation. "Fine" she snapped. "I'll just drink it all by my...". "Shitty Glasses!" came the voice of a very angry Levi. "Oh shit!" she yelped before she could be heard sprinting off. Levi's footsteps were soon heard sprinting passed the door ,after her. A minute later Hanji was heard being dragged down the hallway, begging for Levi to forgive her.


"Melody this is getting ridiculous!" yelled Petra during the second evening Melody had spent in hermit mode. "It's been two days for crying out loud! I get it, you're depressed, but sitting around and moping about it is only going to make it worse. If you truly want it to go away then do something about it" she then stomped off to join the other girls in their room. Petra's last sentence echoed in Melody's head long after she had left. Do something about it? How? The reason she was depressed was because of Levi, her nightmares, all the shit that happened and her homesickness. That all started once she got on board the Maria, that or they were there because of the Maria, so the only way to solve it was to......get away from the Maria. Those two words became plastered in her head. An idea came into her head. If she could do it on the Titan then what was to stop her now. Back then it only failed because there were multiple people and because she had no way to defend herself. Now, it was only her, and she gad weapons she was fully trained with. It could work. All she needed was food, water and a row boat. All of these were easy to access. "You're right Petra" she mumbled to nobody in particular. "I should do something about it..... and I will"

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