The Great Female

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Melody stared up at Captain Annie in disbelief, her jaw dropped wide open. She couldn't believe it was her. The last time she saw her was when she was sailing away, abandoning her own crew on the Titan. Never did she think they would cross paths again. Looking around, Melody noticed that Mikasa looked angry, which was quiet an accomplishment, since it was difficult getting an emotion to show. The main question now was, why wasn't Annie being cooked up and eaten by now? Their answer seemed to be prepared, as the blonde, English speaking tribe member went up the steps and stood beside Annie's throne. "Behold, The Great Female" he shouted out in his gruff, slow voice. "The Great Female, is our leader, our god, our saviour, our warrior. She came from the big water, on a wooden, floating bed. She came with gifts for us. New treasure and new food. We crowned her our leader. She guides us now , she decides who lives and who dies". The English speaking tribe member finished. All of the Maria crew members squinted there eyes at him as he bowed down on his knees again. This tribe was crazy. They ate people, despite living in a forest filled with many animals that they could easily take down because of their size and they crowned Captain Annie a god because she "brought gifts", even though every other sailor that came here probably had something valuable with them too.

"Were there two others?" Annie commanded, not even glancing at any of the tribe members, and instead fixating on Levi, who seemed to have silently challenged her to a glare off. "Yes, but they are taken away, because they are traitors of the gods, including The Great Female. They will be sacrificed to make the gods and The Great Female pleased" answered, her English speaking servant. "Good" Annie muttered, nodding her head in satisfaction, still not losing eye contact with Levi, and almost ignoring the other tribe members completely. Melody couldn't believe what she was hearing, and as she glanced at the others again, she could tell that neither could they. "Great Female, you must choose four of these people for the feast tonight" told the servant, his big eyes gazing up at Annie in wonder and praise, like she was an angel sent from above. Her eyes snapped back to him, a disinterested expression on her face. "Okay" she huffed, uncrossing her legs to stand up straight. She descended down the steps, towards the remaining Maria crew, each one of them having hostile faces. She reached the bottom of the steps, and instantly made her way over to Levi. She leaned forwards, her face looming over his, a smug smirk on her lips. "Consider this pay back for attacking my ship Ackerman" she whispered confidently. "Last time I checked you were the one who abandoned it like a coward" Melody snarled, not liking Annie's attitude towards the other captain.

 Annie snapped her head around, to stare menacingly at Melody, her eyes filled with ice cold hatred. In a flash, she was right beside Melody, clawing at her hair, and pulling it up, causing yelps of pain to escape the young girls lips. "Hey!" Mikasa yelled, from the other side of the line of prisoners, only to get another hit in the head. Melody could hear Levi take a deep, shaky breath in, as if to indicate he was trying to control his temper. "Listen here, angel. I wouldn't be so snappy if I were you, considering you and your pretty face are the reason my ship and crew are now gone, making you number one on my enemy list, just above Captain Pathetic over here " Annie hissed angrily, into Melody's ear . With that, she flung her onto the ground rather painfully, and called out "Number one", as she wandered back to Levi. "Number two" she shouted, pulling Levi by the hair, and flinging him to the ground as she walked passed him. She continued on until the end of her line of prisoners, where Mikasa was growling at her like a vicious panther, that just witnessed her cub being slaughtered. "Number three" Annie yelled, dragging Mikasa out by the ear to join her captain and her beloved friend.

 Once she had picked all the people she considered a threat or an enemy, Annie turned around to face who remained of the Maria crew. They were all silent, not bothering to look up at Annie as she marched passed each of them, rubbing her chin in thought, hoping it would help her decision making. "Why is this one in a net?" she demanded, stopping in front of Hanji once she noticed that she had extra restraints. "She was a wild animal. Out of control" was all that was said by the English speaking tribe member, who remained standing beside Annie's abandoned throne. "Well that's decided then. Number four!" Annie concluded, grabbing onto Hanji's net, and dragging her over to the other three. "These four are for the feast. Save the leftovers for the next one" she ordered, marching her way back up the steps, and making herself comfortable in her throne again. The English speaking tribe member, translated her orders into strange grunting noises for the other tribe members to understand. Once they understood what to do, four larger tribe members came along, picked up Petra, Gunther, Olua and Eld and brought them back out the way they came, while four others picked up Mikasa, Levi, Hanji and Melody and brought them up the steps, passed Annie and towards another exit that was at the back . As Melody was carried away, slung over another mans shoulder, she glared back at Annie. Just before they went through the exit, she spotted Captain Annie Leonhardt, with her head turned to the side, glaring back at her, the same icy hatred in her eyes as before. However, that was soon replaced by a smug, gleeful, smirk.

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