So Much in One Day

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Melody's jaw was hurting from clenching it so hard. She had remained sitting in front of Alois for a long time, her hands shaking as she held her cup in her hand, doing nothing but stare at the now cold, undrunk tea, not even taking a sip despite her dry mouth. Alois stared at her in amusement, through the corner of his eye, as he poured what remained in the teapot into his cup, and helped himself to all the cakes. "Look at that. Even after adding all that sugar, you decide to waste a perfectly good cup of tea" scoffed the young earl, reaching out for the last finger sized cake. "This is your last chance to get some cake" he offered mockingly, waving the treat around in a teasing manner. "I'm not hungry" Melody croaked, still staring at the rippling, bronze liquid in the cup, her hands still shaking. With that answer, Alois bit into the cake and finished it, turning his attention away from her again. As he was distracted, Melody slowly looked up at him again, the lines of shock still visible under her eyes. She dropped the cup in her hands a few inches, making it land in the matching saucer with a clatter, earning Alois interest again. "How....did you know?" she said, barely above a whisper, as she looked down at the china  cup again, this time admiring the beautiful pattern it had to calm her down.

Alois seemed to snicker at this. "I told you" he spoke, leaning forward, over the table and lifting her chin up with his two middle fingers, so that both of their eyes could meet, his icy blue iris' staring into her soul through her glimmering silver ones. "I told you. I work for Ciel Phantomhive, meaning I am able to get all the juicy information I want. Its one of the reasons I love my job, and why I can put up with the snobby know it all". "Ciel knows as well?" Melody gasped. She always suspected that the dark haired boy had some knowledge about her and her crew members, but it still shocked her to hear it confirmed. "Well of course he knows! When a crew of pirates as dangerous as yours is on the loose, out on the open sea, every nearby country is told about it. Abyssus is no exception, which means Ciel is perfectly aware of any dangers that arrive here in Black Harbour". Alois stopped as he took a sip of his tea. "You in particular seemed to catch his attention the most". "Me" Melody interrupted. "Yes you" Alois snapped, disapproving of her speaking when he was. "I admit, you caught me attention as well. You had originally appeared on a missing poster. Some pathetically poor lord from Trost sent them out". 'Flegal' Melody thought to herself, remembering the potbellied, middle aged man that constantly begged for her attention back at her home.

"Then if Ciel knows, then why doesn't he do anything?" Melody pressed on. Alois looked up at, sending her an annoyed, icy glare in her direction. "You sure like questions don't you?" he muttered lowly, before slowly having a sly look of realisation appear on his face. "Then again, I would just love to see how angry Ciel will get at me for letting information slip" he smirked, then sighed in contentment. "Ciel doesn't bother with criminals unless they prove to be a problem for him, or in your case, provide him with an opportunity. I can't really blame him really. The Maria crew really are an intriguing bunch, if they are anything like you". Melody opened her mouth to ask about what he meant, but was stopped, when the door to the café opened up, to reveal a tall, bespectacled, and handsome man with short black hair and golden eyes. He dressed in a dark suit and wore white gloves. "Claude!" Alois called out joyfully, as he jumped up from his seat, while "Claude" made his way over to their table. 'He must be Alois' butler. He certainly dresses the part' Melody concluded, as Claude stopped at their table and gave a bow to Alois, not before acknowledging Melody's presence. His piercing gaze slightly creeped her out, causing her to shiver, so she looked away from him.

"Sire, Viscount Druitt is waiting at your carriage. I'd recommend that you tend to him immediately" Claude spoke. His voice was deep and monotone, with very little sign of emotion. "Right away then. Victoria catch" Alois called out, turning around, and flinging his coins at Victoria, who flinched as the coins hit her face, leaving dreadful red marks in their place. Just then, William, the man who was getting Melody's plates, came back through the back door, carrying the box full of crockery. He left it on the counter, and instantly went to help Victoria. "Claude, go carry Melody's plates to out carriage" Alois ordered, just when Melody went to pick up her order, she tried to protest, but in the end she found herself following Alois outside, his hand holding her wrist in an iron grip, while Claude followed behind, carrying the box of plates that were for Snake. They soon arrived at a red and gold carriage, being led by two black horses. Standing by the door, waiting for them, were two people. The first was an extremely handsome man, with lavender eyes and light-blond hair that shone like the sun. He was dressed in elegant clothing which consisted of a white suit, a pocket square, and an ascot tie, along with accessories such as a brooch and white gloves.

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