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The boat rocked back and forth more violently than usual ,due to the fact that the crew were trying to get away as quick as they possibly could. For the first time in a while, Melody sat in her cell with nobody else around. Every now and again, the boat would shake violently, and knock her about, but she would still remain unfazed from it. If anything, she would only react if she landed in a particularly dirty spot on the floor, which was a lot of the time, since the wood was almost black from the grime. Melody wasn't necessarily a neat freak, since she didn't mind things being a little dusty or out of place, but she disliked the idea of that dust building up and turning the area into a disease infested dungeon. Hence why she would clean as much as possible when she was back at home, to avoid such a thing happening. Melody had to mentally slap herself for thinking about home. She had forbidden herself from crying, since the last two times she did it, she had caused trouble, and thinking about home didn't necessarily help. She sat in the corner of her cell, one of the only clean spots within it. She examined the sleeves of her dress, noticing the tares at the edges, and the now tainted white fabric. The skirt of her dress was in a similar condition, while her boots were stained with who knows what. She examined her wrists, where the ropes were tying them together. There were red marks left behind, where the ropes had rubbed against her skin.

The boat came to a sudden stop, causing Melody to roll over into a pile of dust and fluff. Melody bit her lip, restricting herself from swearing at the top of her lungs. Melody listened carefully, as she moved back to her clean spot, rubbing the dust off her clothes. There was silence for a few moments, before three pairs of feet could be heard jumping on board, followed by screams of terror. Several more footsteps could be heard charging in the direction of the other three. There were several yells, followed by the sound of swords clashing. This continued for some time, all the while, Melody was practically having a mini panic attack. Did the pirates of the Titan come on board? What would happen if they won the fight? They couldn't win, could they? It was six against three, they couldn't possibly win. This single hopeful thought was interrupted by the sound of someone falling to the ground. Melody's heartbeat quickened. Who was it that got hurt? She could only hope now that it wasn't one of her new friends. The answer came pretty quickly, when she heard large footsteps coming down the stairs. Soon entered a seventeen year old boy, with short blond hair, gold eyes and a defined bone structure in his face. His large height, broad shoulders and serious expression gave him an intimidating presence. He wore a yellowish shirt, black pants and a brown sword holder, to go with his brown boots.

 His golden eyes scanned the room. He first spotted the only chest in the room, which Levi and the others had taken from Trost. He ran towards it and opened it, revealing a small pile of jewels and gold. He scoffed "That's it". He began rummaging through the box, in hopes to find anything big, but to no avail. He slammed the chest shut, a disappointed expression on his face. Then he spotted Melody, curled up in the corner of her cell, trembling in fear. He gave a low pitched whistle, as he walked over to the bars. "Now what do we have here" he chuckled to himself, a triumphant look coming over his face. "Well aren't you a pretty thing". He gave a smirk, rubbed his hands together greedily, and made an attempt to open the cell, only to find it locked. Melody sighed in relief, now remembering that Petra had locked the cell, before being called up to help maneuaver the ship. "Aw that's a shame" he muttered, giving a false pout. He grabbed two of the bars and began bending them sideways, to create a gap big enough for him to fit through. Melody's jaw dropped at the sight. How the hell could he do that? He smirked to himself again. "There, problem solved" he said. With haste, he entered the cell, grabbed Melody by the waste, using one arm, and flung her over his shoulder, ignoring her screams for help. He stepped out of the cell and walked back to the chest, which he grabbed with his other arm. He then began sprinting back up the stairs.

Melody gasped, letting the salty air enter her lungs, as she saw the battle going on. Levi was on the top deck, sword fighting with a girl slightly shorter than him, yet with a very muscular build and physique. She had moderately short hair that she had tied at the back with her right fringe mainly draping over the right side of her face. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, a pronounced nose and pale complexion. Her hair colour was as pale as Melody's, and her eyes, although of considerable size and proportion, had a sullen vibe to their appearance. She wore a white shirt, under a grey tail coat similar to Levi's, which was red today. She had dark grey pants, brown boots and a black sword holder. She had a grey tricorn hat, to go with her jacket, that had a white feather sticking out. She was quiet swift and skilled in her movements, but still nothing compared to Levi who was just about winning. The rest of the men, on Levi's crew, were sword fighting against a rather tall, slender, seventeen year old boy. He had short dark hair, green eyes, thin eyebrows and an elongated face. He wore a white shirt, black pants, a white sword holder and brown boots. Unlike Levi, none of them were doing too well, since the boy appeared to be equally as skilled as the girl, who was more than likely his captain, and probably just as strong as the boy holding Melody. The ship was huge, and resembled a galleon, with tall masts reaching up to the sky like giants. A green flag blew in the breeze, with a white wing and a black wing overlapping each other, sewn into the fabric. Attached to the right of the ship, by a plank, was a second one, though smaller in size, it followed a similar galleon style.

Not too far from Melody and the boy holding her, laid Hanji with a red bloodstain on her right shoulder, but her moving chest indicated she was still alive. Tending to her, was Petra, with a panicked and stressed look to her face. Petra looked up to spot Melody, and tensed up when she saw who had her. She stood up from Hanji's side, and pulled out her sword, before she began charging in the boys direction, screaming "LET HER GO!", only to be kicked back by the boy, with ease. The others noticed Petra's scream, including a certain raven haired man, who's distraction, caused the girl he was fighting, to push him to the ground, with a smirk, and run in the direction of the other boat, shouting "Bertholdt, retreat!". The boy named Bertholdt, being the one fighting Olua, Gunther and Eld, turned his head and began running in the same direction, followed by the boy carrying Melody. They all ran across the plank, and onto the other ship. When all three of them were on board, they removed the plank, and before you knew it, they were sailing away from the Maria, laughing maniacally at the looks on the crews faces, while Melody felt a tear going down her cheek, knowing she had now been captured by another, more ruthless band of pirates.

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