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Letting out a huge yelp, Melody turned around, grabbed whatever was behind her and flung it into the water of the pond, not even bothering to see what it was. She had no idea where she suddenly got the strength from, but that didn't matter, what mattered was that she stopped herself from being attacked.....or so she thought. "YOU FUCKING PEACE OF SHIT!!! FUCKING, FUCK!!!! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!!! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!!!!! YOU FUCKING BRAT!!! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU GET STRONG NOW?!!! FIRST YOU REMAIN A USELESS PEACE OF FUCKING SHIT, AND DON'T FIND ANY FUCKING FOOD, THEN YOU HAVE THE FUCKING NERVE TO THROW ME INTO A FUCKING FREEZING POND OF WATER!!!!" Levi yelled at the top of his lungs. He was currently chest deep in the pond, his hair drenched, his shirt now wet and see through, and water dripping from his face. "S-sorry!" Melody squeaked, realising she made him pretty angry. "I didn't mean to! I thought you were something trying to attack me! I guess I get stronger when I'm scared!". She gave a nervous laugh, which only seemed to make Levi more angry as he began wading out of the water. Melody began to sweat nervously. "B-but I d-did h-have food!" she stammered, holding her hands up and backing away as Levi got closer. "B-but then there was the wasp and this strange reptile thing, I think it was a giant worm. Are worms reptiles? W-wait what are you doing?!!!" she yelped, when suddenly, Levi got close to her, grabbed her by the waste, and picked her up bridal style.

She felt herself going tomato red as he began walking back over to the edge of the pond. Suddenly, without warning , he swung his arms back, with Melody still in them, then swung them forward, releasing her from his grip. Screaming, Melody soured through the air, before meeting the surface of the water and creating a loud splash. She coughed and spluttered after getting some of the water in her mouth, and attempted to stand up in the water. Once she found her footing, she found that the water reached up to her neck. She found herself shivering from head to toe. Levi was right, the water was freezing. "W-what w-was that f-for?" she stuttered, thanks to the cold. "I-I said I-I didn't mean to". "Payback's a bitch" Levi answered, standing with his arms folded, water still dripping from his hair and clothing. "Now get out, I need to get water to drink, and you're contaminating it" he ordered. "Fine, fine" Melody grumbled, beginning to wade back to him. Once she was shallow enough, she buttoned up her black vest fully, so that Levi wouldn't be able to see her now see through white shirt that she was wearing underneath.

When she made it back to the bank, she climbed back out and sat on the side, leaving room for Levi to kneel beside her. She watched as he cupped his hands and began drinking up some of the water like she did before. She noticed he was really picky when it came to deciding weather or not he should drink the water. Any signs of dirt at all and he'd throw the water back into the pond. He only drank it when he was certain it was clean. Melody rolled her eyes at this. She had a thing with germs as well, but she honestly didn't get why he did it. He had spent three days without a drink. Wouldn't any water do in this situation? Apparently not for Levi. As he drank his third handful of water in silence, Melody realised something. Some of the water was turning red. She looked around, feeling worried, trying to find the source of the colour. When she couldn't find any, she looked back at Levi. She gasped when she realised that the red water was only appearing around him. "Levi you're bleeding!" she yelled, grabbing onto his shoulders and forcing him to face her. "Oi, what the hell Melody!!" he yelled back. She ignored him and concentrated more on where the blood was coming from. She gave another gasp once she got full view of him. How did she fail to notice it? How did she forget about what happened with the big cat? Levi's shoulder was dripping with blood, from a large wound where the felines large jaws latched onto him, while his chest had four gashes where he was scratched by the giant felines claws, which were also bleeding.

"Oh my God, Levi your....". "Shut up, it's nothing. Don't fuss" he interrupted, pushing her away, and trying to get back to what he was doing, but Melody was having none of it. She forcefully made him face her again. "No! It isn't nothing and I will make a fuss!" Melody scolded. "Tch, leave me alone, I'm fine". Melody gritted her teeth at how stubborn he was being. Still holding him in place, she leaned in closer to his face. "Take off your shirt" she ordered, without thinking. "What?" Levi gasped, his eyes going slightly wide, and a slight, barely noticeable blush spreading onto his face. "I said....." Melody began, but stopped as she began to rethink what came out of her mouth. She quickly leaned back and covered her mouth with her hands, her own face now going slightly red. "I didn't m-mean it like that" she cleared up, cursing herself for stuttering. "Melody, I said I'm fine, I don't.....". " Just take off your shirt so I can clean your injuries!" Melody snapped back at him, her face remaining red. There was an awkward silence between the two of them after that, until slowly and hesitantly, Levi began to unbutton his shirt, starting from the top, giving a whispered "Fine" and a "Tch". As he slid the sleeves off his shoulders, Melody gave off a startled squeak, as she quickly hid her face behind her hands. The time went agonisingly slow, but once a minute passed, she heard him say that he was done.

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