Petra's Little Crush

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Melody carefully tiptoed through the shadowy hallway, hoping not to wake anyone at such a late hour. Loud snores could be heard from the boys chambers, some even sounding like animal noises. Melody continued on her silent journey to the girls room. She felt a bit stiff from the extreme amounts of movements she had to do compared to the past few months. She was expecting everyone except her, Levi and Hanji to be asleep by now, but as she neared the girls bedroom she could hear hushed whispers coming from inside. As she reached it, she could here the conversation more clearly. "You don't think he's going to punish her do you?" came the familiar voice of Petra. "He did seem extremely annoyed at her this morning. Do you think she did something he disapproved of?". "He better not do anything to hurt her" came Mikasa's more dark and serious voice. "If he does I'll make him pay for it". Melody lifted her hand up to the handle of the door, and turned it. She pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Both Petra's and Mikasa's heads turned in Melody's direction at the sound of her arrival.

The moment Mikasa saw who it was, she shot up from her spot in the corner and was by Melody's side within seconds. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he punish you in anyway? I swear to god if he did anything..." ." Mikasa, I'm fine" Melody answered calmingly. "He's just teaching me how to sword fight". "What?" both Petra and Mikasa said at the same time, Petra sounding jealous yet joyful at the same time, while Mikasa sounded just plain shocked and confused. "I can't believe you get to train with him, I'm so jealous!" squealed Petra. "What's so great about training him?" Melody and Mikasa said in unison. Petra paused after hearing their words, looking at them in disbelief. "What's so great.....? What do you mean 'what's so great'? He's the most dangerous pirate of the sea. He is the most skilled fighter the Maria has seen in centuries. He has been known to defeat dozens of soldiers all at once, single-handedly , that's what's great about it. To have him training you should be a great  privilege to you". Mikasa and Melody looked at Petra for a while to consider the idea. Mikasa soon shrugged it off, and went back to her corner to get ready for sleep, but Melody remained where she was still thinking about it. She did believe that Levi was a good fighter, but he also had to be one of the most irritating people she had ever met, so who would ever want to train with someone like that. She walked over and flopped onto her bed.

 "Are you sure you're not just saying those things because you might have a little crush on Levi, Petra?" she mumbled out. She looked over to see what reactions she would get. Mikasa had a small smirk of amusement on her face, while Petra was sat up on her bed, her face going pure red.  "N-no. W-what I said was true. T-though I won't deny he is handsome......... B-but can you really blame me. I-I mean look at him. H-he's just so perfect" Petra stuttered hysterically. "Pfft. Far from it" Melody scoffed. Mikasa nodded in agreement. "Ok. Prove it" Petra dared. "Ok. I will. He's demanding and stubborn" Melody began. "Only because he knows what's best for the crew" Petra retorted. "He is nosy and never knows when to give people privacy". "If you are talking about that time he walked into this room while you were naked, he had to give you your clothes. He was telling the truth when he said we were all too busy. Besides it's not like he took a peak when you were changing" ."He makes unnecessary rules, like locking me up for two months before finally letting me out to work on the ship". "He needed to wait until you were fully healed". "What about Hanji?". "She wasn't as bad, besides he hates her". "He hates me too". "No he doesn't. Why do you think he ordered to save you from the Titan?". "He has OCD". "So do you". "He's short". "We're both shorter". "He....he...." Melody stopped suddenly, realising she was running out of bad things about Levi. Petra gave a smirk of victory, before opening her mouth to speak again.

"He is extremely fit" she began, starting a list of reasons why Levi was attractive. "He's swift, full of stamina, cares for his crew members, dislikes the fact that his job results in the death of others, he is extremely smart, probably even more than Armin, he speaks French, he ....". "Wait, he speaks French" Melody interrupted. "Yes. Why do you ask?" Petra answered, stopping from the unexpected interruption. "He speaks lots of different languages, so he can understand buyers from the black market more easily". Melody sat back more in her bed, her mind wandering off a bit. She was curious on hearing what different languages sounded like. 'Maybe I could ask Levi to speak something foreign to me at some point' she thought to herself. "I still don't think he's that great" Mikasa spoke up. "Yeah me neither" Melody spoke out as well, even if it was only half heartedly. She buried herself under her  blanket and turned away from Petra. "Let's just shut up and go to sleep, I'm really tired from sword fighting" she mumbled. She heard Petra give a sigh, before going under the blankets as well. As silence fell, Melody soon found herself drift off to sleep, allowing her homesick nightmares to begin again.

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