Chapter 27

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Luna and I's plan was forgotten between the time Ross was gone. We were both extremely busy and so was Max, so we planned to do it either next week or this weekend.

Ross got back tonight and I have to pick him up because Max refused to.

I stood up and fell right back down, I was dizzy and lightheaded. I stayed seated and drank some of the water from my water bottle.

Attempting to stand up again and succeeding this time.Heading over to the door I grab my purse and Max's keys because I don't have a car. I really need to get one, but they are so expensive!

If I did get a car when would I use it? I'm always inside anyways.

When I got to the airport Ross was laying down on a bench, I'm guessing that I'm only a little late.

I honked the horn to let Ross know that I was here or wake him up or something.

His eyes opened immediately signaling that he was surprised and possibly a little scared. I unlocked the doors and waited for Ross to get off his butt and come to the car but he never came.

I didn't want to honk the horn again so this time I got out of the car and walked over to him.

"Ross let's go."

"Max is supposed to pick me up so, no."

"He told me to do it since he didn't want to."

"Did he actually speak to you?"

"No..." I mumbled hoping Ross didn't hear but he did.

"Fine I'll get in the car but you have to buy me food."


Ross and I talked most of the time while the other time he was either eating or sleeping.I started thinking to myself of how Max is probably never going to forgive me so I should just give up and not do the plan or anything. It's not going to work anyway, Max is just going to have to forgive me on his own.

Later at home

I sat on the couch hoping that I could order some food without being judged by Ross by as soon as the delivery guy got here he ran down the stairs all the way to the couch.I looked at him waiting for him to say something but he was just hyperventilating. I opened the door and received my food and gave the guy a tip.

I turned around and walked to the kitchen to set the food down. Ross came walking in behind finally breathing normally.

"Did you need to tell me something or are you here for the food?"

"Well... both. But um Max locked himself in the bathroom and will only talk to you."

"Okay. I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me. You're probably just setting me up for a big break up that Max has planned or something."

"No. Shelby, he needs you. If I was lying you would know by now because I suck at lying."

"True. Which bathroom?"

"The one that's across from my room."

"Okay, I'll go but don't eat all my food."

Ross didn't answer instead he just shooed me away.

All these questions were going through my head. As to why would, Max locks himself in the bathroom?, Why would he ask for me instead of his best friend? Is he actually going to talk to me?, Is he going to break up with me?, What is going to happen?

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. *hints the gif in the media*

Have a good day :P

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