Chapter Ten - Winter Solstice Part 3: Avatar Roku and his Defender

Start from the beginning

"So what's a Defender?" Katara asked.

"Defenders are the Avatar's Protectors. They are always Air Nomads and sometimes happen to be related to the Avatar. The old Defender passes the role down to the new one through that necklace Iris is wearing. They have the power to take or give life and to control people," Shiyu answered.

"So you're saying that... my sister is my Defender?!"

"I do not know. That's why Roku wants to talk to Iris as well," Shiyu said.

After another one moment of walking upstairs, they finally reached the top of the building. The room was big lightened by some lanterns that stood on the walls.

"If this is the Avatar's Temple, why did those Sages attack us?" Aang asked confusedly.

"Things have changed, Aang, once Avatar Roku died the Sages were forced into obeying the Fire Lord..." Iris said.

"We've been waiting for the next Avatar, but he never came," Shiyu said.

"They were waiting for me," Aang said and he stopped for a small moment along the way.

"Hey don't feel so bad, you're only a hundred years late," Sokka said sarcastically placing his hand on Aang's shoulder. Iris passed from beside him hitting him at his belly with her elbow making him start coughing harshly. "What was that for?" He asked angrily.

"That's what you get for being a jerk," Iris said glaring at him who stayed behind and she continued walking giggling.

"They lost hope that the Avatar would ever return. When Fire Lord Sozin began the war my grandfather and the other Sages were forced to follow him. I never wanted to serve the Fire Lord. When I learned you were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other Sages," Shiyu said.

"Thank you for helping me," Aang said gratefully and Shiyu smiled to the child's grateful grin.

They found some stairs and they started walking upwards. "We'll follow these stairs to the sanctuary. Once you two get inside, wait for the light to hit Avatar Roku's Statue. The calendar will redirect the light and to Defender Gershwin's Statue, only then you will be able to speak with them both" Shiyu explained.

After all these years she would once again have the chance to talk to the boy she first loved. She felt a smile escaping her lips and a feeling of joy she hadn't felt in many years. She wondered what he would say to her, she wondered how much she could bear altogether.

As they reached the room there was a door resting on the opposite wall. It was big and there were five locks in which there were supposed to open with fire bending. "Ah, no!" Shiyu said worriedly as he stopped in front of the door.

"Shiyu, what's wrong?" Aang asked.

"The sanctuary doors, they're closed!" Shiyu answered. Aang walked towards the door and he tried to open it my pushing it, but it wouldn't open it was worthless.

Iris came from behind and she placed her hand on her brother's shoulder stopping him. "Aang, there's no use. It needs fire bending,"

"Can't you just open them with fire bending?" Katara asked as she turned and looked at Shiyu. "Like you opened that other door?"

"No, only a fully-realized Avatar or Defender is powerful enough to open this door alone. Otherwise, the Sages must open the door together with five simultaneous fire blasts," Shiyu answered.

"Five fire blasts, huh?" Sokka asked and he looked at the lantern that existed above his head. "I think I can help you out," Sokka said making everyone turn and look at him.

When Hatred turned to Love (ATLA Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now