Chapter 37

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"How many do you think will show up?" Thomas asked me as he leant up against the Map room.

I shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know. I don't think any of the Runners will be joining us after I saw Gally talking to them. Maybe some hand help's around the Glade."

Thomas started to become fidgety as we waited for Minho to show. To be honest, I was getting the same way.

"So what's the deal between you and Newt. You seem close. Is he your boyfriend or something?" Thomas suddenly asked.

I froze before shuddering. Just the thought of that question makes my stomach churn.

"No it's nothing like that. He's more like my best friend," I replied, feeling queasy.

"Is he like more of a brother?" He asked.

Should I tell him? Maybe if he did know he might start to remember things about us before the Maze. i did feel as though I needed to tell someone otherwise I was going to go nuts.

I looked around to make sure no one was near before taking a step towards him.

"Right what I am about to tell you needs to stay between the two of us alright?" I asked.

He nodded. "Okay well-"

"Will this be enough?" Minho's voice suddenly interrupted me.

We turned around to see Minho standing with Zart from the Gardens, Winston who was Keeper of the Slicers and Frypan from the Kitchen. It wasn't many, but it was enough.

I nodded before turning to Thomas.

"Okay," He started jogging off towards the doors leading to the Maze, us right behind him.

I sped up slightly so I was beside Thomas. I needed to tell him. If anyone in the Glade could keep this a secret it was him.

"Thomas?" I got his attention quietly.

"Tonight, meet me out by the Deadheads after everyone has gone to bed," I told him.

He nodded before leading us into the Maze.

The place didn't seem as scary now I had spent 2 nights in here. Mind you, I didn't feel like spending another night in here, no matter how 'non' scary I thought it was now. However, I don't think I would mind running it in the daytime now.

"Come on," Thomas encourage everyone as we continued to make our way through the place and towards the Griever.

I trailed behind Thomas as we rounded the last corner where we saw the claw of the 'thing' sticking out from a gap in the walls, made last night after the section closed.

We all crowded around the monster as limbs and other parts of it littered the Maze floor.

"That's disgusting," Zart screwed his nose up at the sight.

Minho then took a step towards the dead creature. "There's something in there."

"You mean, besides a Griever pancake?" Frypan commented.

I held back a laugh as Minho suddenly took another step closer.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Thomas asked as Miho creeped up to the Griever.

A worried look flashed across Minho's face as he reached his hand into the Griever, right in front of the creature.

The Griever suddenly sprung to life as Minho touched it. It jerked forward and jumped, causing us all to jump back in alarm. "Whoa!"

"I thought you said it was dead," Frypan gasped.

"What is a reflex?" Zart asked.

Winston turned to him. "You hope."

"You best all hope. You don't want to know what this thing can really do," I said to everyone.

Thomas suddenly left my side. "Okay, come on. Let's try and pull it out."

We all slowly moved forward. "Everyone get a hand on it."

"We all grabbed some part of the creature and waited. "All right, ready?"

We all nodded.

"On three," Thomas told us.

"One, two, three!" We all pulled.

The Griever didn't budge though, instead one of it's legs, the leg we had hold of, came away from the body, sending us backwards. I stumbled as Frypan tripped over me and fell onto his back.

"Are you okay Fry?" Thomas asked the cook, helping his off the floor.

Frypan nodded. "Yeah, thanks brother."

We all looked over at the mess of a creature. Minho creeped over to the creature once again and picked out some kind of body part.

I screwed up my face in disgust and Minho reached inside the organ and pulled out some kind of device while getting Griever goo all over himself.

"What the hell is that?" Thomas asked as Minho examined the device.

"Interesting," Was all he said.

"Okay, whatever it is. Can we take this back to the Glade? Because I don't want to meet this guys friends," Frypan started to get a little nervous.

To tell you the truth, I couldn't agree more.

"He right. It's getting late," Minho told us.

"Come on," He told everyone before starting to make the journey back to the Glade.

We all followed without another word.

Hopefully Thomas was right and this could help us find the answers we have been looking for, for over 3 years.

Word Count: 848

Edited 23/6/2017

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