Chapter 18

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Hey guys, So I'm sorry this chapter is two days late. I haven't been feeling very well lately and just needed to take a few days to rest, but now I am feeling semi better and can update. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, these next few chapters are the ones that I had the most fun writing and I think you guys will like them too.

Thanks you shanks,



It has been just over a week since Chuck arrived in the Glade and everything has gone back to normal.

Chuck got a job as a Slopper, poor thing and I finally got a job out in the field with my brother.

Things were finally starting to look up. My voice still hasn't come back though. So, communication with everyone in the Glade has been difficult.

Apart from that though everything was fine. Newt still doesn't know anything about me being his sister, but it was probably for the best.

"There you are. What took you so long?" Newt asked as I came back to the Gardens from being at the Kitchen for a while helping Frypan.

I shrugged, not being able to respond.

Newt and I had gotten a lot closer over this past week. He was really starting to act like a big brother now. He was always looking out for me and making sure I was okay.

He had gotten a lot more protective too. Whenever Gally or one of his Builders would try and give me trouble , Newt would tell them to get lost.


"You'll be sleeping here Chuck. The next Greenie that comes up will join you," Newt explained to the young boy.

"And when will that be?" He questioned.

"In a month. Someone new gets sent up each month. Lizzy came up last month," Newt answered.

All of this was new to me. I didn't know anything about this. I was in a coma when I came up so I don't know much about the Box.

"And why doesn't Elizabeth talk?" Chuck asked the both of us.

I looked at Newt and nodded. He should know.

"She lost her voice about 3 days ago and it still hasn't come back."

Chuck nodded before a voice came from behind the door as it opened.

"Or she's just faking it and she wants people to feel pity for her," It was Gally.

"Slim it Gally," Newt told the Builder.

"It's true though isn't it? You are just a typical girl," He looked down at me.

Newt took a step towards him. "Elizabeth spent 3 days in the Maze and then 2 and a half weeks in a coma going through the Changin'. On top of that she was stabbed. The last thing she wants is pity. In the month she has been here, she's been through way more than you have in the 3 years you've been here."

I decided to intervene before things got out of hand.

I walked up to them and placed my hand on my brother's shoulder, pulling him away from Gally. As much as I would love to see Newt kick Gally ass, there were rules.

Newt backed down right away, but Gally seemed to be standing his ground.

I glared the boy, telling him with my eyes to get out of here.

He finally got the message and just left without another word, slamming the door behind him.


Fingers suddenly clicked in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Lizzy, you there?" My brother asked.

I nodded before picking fruit off the tree beside me.

"Zoned out for a minute there?" He asked, smirking.

I smiled and nodded before reaching up to grab another fruit, but scraped my hand against a thorn instead.

I squealed as pain struck through my hand and tore my hand away from the tree only to see...

Oh god, blood.

I felt my breath get caught in my throat as the red liquid ran down my hand and onto my arm.

"Lizzy, what happened?" Newt asked as he rushed over to me.

My legs buckled from under me and I fell backwards suddenly.

"Whoa, easy," My brother told me, catching me just before I hit the ground.

I began to get dizzy as I kept seeing the blood run down my hand in my mind.

I think Newt must've noticed what had happened because I felt him place a finger under my chin and tilt my head up to look at him.

"Lizzy, don't think about it alright? Think about something else," He tried to tell me.

I attempted to nod, but I don't think it looked like anything.

"Lizzy, focus on me," He told me.

Newt suddenly picked me up so I was no longer on the ground and started walking me somewhere.

At this point all I could see were the colours of the Glade and really blurred shapes.

I closed my eyes and heaved my head so I was resting against Newt's chest.

"Lizzy, try to keep your eyes open for me. I need you to stay awake," My brother told me.

I nodded before fluttering my eyes open and looking up at the boy carrying me.

"Thank you. Just keep your eyes on me, alright?" He told me.

A new voice suddenly came out of nowhere. "Newt, what happened?"

I knew that voice. That was Alby.

"She's scared of blood and she cut herself pretty badly," Newt explained.

"Bring her through," He ordered Newt as my eyes started to shut again.

"Lizzy, open your eyes," Newt tried to tell me, but he sounded like he was miles away.

Before I could do anything I blacked out.

Edited: 25/10/2016

Word count: 886

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