Chapter Fourteen: Disappointed

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Author's Note: Hello beautiful people. I am so sorry for the late update. I had a pretty hectic week with the band I'm working with... And no; it's not Cookham 32, but A-Hazard. Anyway, do accept my sincere apology. The next upload is coming up, and I will try to upload at least 4 chapters throughout the day. Thank you for your patience. Do... Vote... Share... Comment... Enjoy.


Chapter Fourteen: Disappointed

When my mom arrived, I couldn’t hold back the emotion anymore. I ran to her and she caught me in her arms. I cried in her embrace. She rubbed my back and whispered sweet words to me. After what felt like hours, I calmed down. I pulled out of the embrace and she looked at me worriedly.

“I don’t understand what's going on”, she said. I laughed just a little.

“I’ll explain when we get home”, I said. She nodded and then helped me carry my bags and baskets.

We drove home playing our favorite Westlife album and she convinced me to sing along. The 30 minute drive felt very short because she made me feel better with her dorkish behaviour. I was feeling better already and I just needed a way to tell me her about the pregnancy. When we got home, she parked the car outside and I refused to leave the car.

“Mom, what would you do and say if I was pregnant?” I asked quietly. She looked at me with shock on her face.

“Is that why you’re back; you think you’re pregnant?” She asked. I shook my head.

“I don’t think, mommy, I know”, I said. She frowned.

“Who's the father?” I looked down.

“Lindo”, I said and she had a sharp intake of breath. I looked at her and she had a smile on her face.

“I knew something was going on between you too. When did this happen?” She asked.

“The day he and his band had their first performance in Tembisa”, I explained.

“So what did you two decide to do?” She asked and I frowned.

“He doesn't know, mom”, I said.

“What?” She exclaimed and I nodded. “Well, are you planning on telling him?” She asked skeptically.

“I don’t know. What if he isn't ready to be a father? I can't tie him down like that. I don't want to feel like I trapped him by falling pregnant. I know I want to keep this baby, but he doesn't have to be around if he doesn't want to be”, I told her. She nodded and patted my leg.

“Just so you know, I’m behind you one hundred percent. We will love this baby”, she said. “You know what's funny? I had you when I was 19, and well, you’re probably giving birth next year. You’ll almost be a teenage mom like me”, she joked. I smiled at her lousy attempt to make me feel better.

“Thanks mom. Now I need to tell dad. He's so going to be pissed”, I said and she laughed.

“No he won’t”, she said and I frowned at her.

“We’ll see about that”, I said as I got out the car.

We took my bags inside and my dad wasn’t home yet. My mom and I cooked supper together. She noticed how tense I was and how nervous I was about telling my dad about the pregnancy. I was really worried that he would drive all the way to Joburg to skin Lindo alive.

“Mom, please stop dad if he wants to go kill Lindo”, I said as I heard my dad parking his car outside. She laughed at me and went to him outside as she always did when he came home. It was a tradition I saw them do from the time I was little.

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