Chapter Seven: Cookham 32 Rocks Tembisa

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Author's Note: It's official; you have been spoiled. I hope this makes up for the long wait. This is the seventh chapter, and my favourite for now. Vote... Share... Comment...


Chapter Seven: Cookham 32 Rocks Tembisa

After showering, Lindo and I watched about two movies and a half. Lindo got a call from Thuso saying that he needed Lindo to go help with packing the sound equipment they would be using at their performance. Lindo told me to pack a bag with my clothes for the night and go with him to the commune.

I picked out dark skinny jeans, a white shirt and a red leather jacket. I also picked out red, 3-inch heels to go with my outfit. I grabbed a pair of black pumps, but I knew I wasn’t going to use them. I was a big Beyoncé fan, so I could dance in heels. I didn’t bother to tell Lindo I could handle it because, he had never seen me dancing in heels. I was going to show him tonight though.

I packed my clothes and some make-up into an overnight bag. I grabbed my car keys and Lindo and I left the apartment.
Once we got to his commune, we helped with what needed our assistance. After I got done, I went to change in the bathroom. I then put on some make-up; not too much to look like some black Barbie, but enough to enhance my beauty.

The guys were busy getting dressed in Thuso’s room, so I took my bag and went to put it outside. As I was walking back to the house, Lorraine called me to ask for directions to the commune. I directed her and a few minutes later, she and Bryan arrived. They got out their car and walked to me.

“Hey girl, you look stunning. And you’re glowing. You seem very happy. What happened to make you look like this?” she bombarded me, as she hugged me. I looked at her like she was crazy.

“Do you always have to pick on me, though Lorry? Every time I meet you, you have something odd to say”, I said.

“I enjoy picking on you because, you get riled up so easily”, she said. I shook my head and looked at Bryan.

“How do you cope with this one?” I asked and he chuckled.

“I don’t”, he joked and Lorraine gently hit him with her purse.

“Shut up”, she said. I laughed and hugged Bryan.

“How’re you guys doing?” I asked.

“We’re good. I’m excited to see this band you’ve been raving about”, Lorraine said.

“You’ll understand why I go crazy about them tonight”, I said.

“What kind of music do they make?” Bryan asked.

“They major in all kinds of house genres”, I said.

“Meaning they do tribal house, deep house, electro?” he asked.

“Yes; commercial and others too”, I said. He nodded and looked at Lorraine. I also turned my head to face her and she had a look of total confusion on her face. “What?” I asked.

“Y’all just went technical music vocabulary on me”, she said. I chuckled. “I mean, seriously, what’s the difference? It all has a fast beat”, she continued.

“Well, I’ll get you an interview with the band and you can ask them yourself. First things first though, you need to hear them. I can bet you a hundred bucks that you will fall in love with them”, I said.

“I wouldn’t recommend that though, honey”, Bryan said and I laughed. I heard someone whistling behind me and I turned around to see who it was. Perfect had on a beautiful grin on his face as he looked me up and down.

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