You're Back

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Kari felt a damp cloth being patted on her forehead as she began wake up. When her eyes opened she found her mother and some of her female in-laws standing around her with worried expressions.

"Where's my dragon?" She asked in a hoarse voice.

"He's fine dear, don't get up." Valka said gently pushing her down when she get up.

Kari did as her mother asked and looked at Eleanor. "Where's my baby? And where is my husband?"

"Dagur is out in the village and Stoick is taking his nap." Eleanor replied and took her hand. "They've missed you very much but weren't allowed to see you."

Kari tried to sit up again but her side hurt so much that she was forced to lay back down again. She felt so drowsy that she fell into a dreamless sleep. When she woke up she could hear her mother arguing with Dagur.

"I have to see her Valka! You have to let me see my wife!"

"She's resting Dagur! Her whole body was messed up badly and she needs plenty of rest!"

"Stoick needs to see that his mother is okay!"

"Could you keep it down?" Kari asked as loudly as she could. "My head hurts with all the yelling."

"What did I tell you?" Valka scolded Dagur.

"Mum, just let them in. I want to see my boys." Kari said. Valka glanced at the door and back to her before stepping to the side. Dagur walked in with Stoick in his arms and his eyes widened in horror at the sight of her. "Not so pretty now huh?" Kari asked.

"No it's just... Eret told us how messed up your body was and what happened to your leg but... I didn't think it'd be this bad." Dagur admitted and took her hand. "But I'm glad you're back."

"I lost a part of my leg, now I match with Hiccup." Kari said jokingly and looked at her son. "Hi baby, did you miss me?"

Stoick reached toward her as his father knelt down to let his little hand touch her bruised hand. His little green eyes welled a bit with tears and he gripped her fingers tightly with his hand.

"We missed you so much and we were so worried as well." Dagur said, trying not to cry. "I didn't think I ever deserved a wife like you, I feel like this was all my fault."

"No it's my own fault for disobeying you. I couldn't find any weredragons trapped there, it was all just a trap." Kari said taking his hand. "Please don't blame yourself Dagur."

"How bad is your leg?" Dagur asked. Kari gripped at the sheets and pulled them back to show him the bandaged stump of what was left of her leg.

"As I said, I now match my brother." Kari joked. "How is Striker?"

"He's healing quite well. He can't see out of one eye anymore and one of his wings is torn a bit so he can't fly for a while."

"Well he doesn't sound as bad as me."

"Alright, now let her rest." Valka scolded as she motioned for Dagur to leave. "You have work to do and she needs her rest."

"Alright, I'll see you later today." Dagur said and kissed his wife as gently as he could on the forehead. "I'm really glad you're back Kari."

"Me too Dagur, me too." Kari murmured softly.

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