A Family Reunion

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"They're coming!" Snotlout yelled bursting into the Haddock home.

"They're here?" Bella asked looking up from her book.

"Yeah! And Kari is with Dagur too!" Snotlout said looking overjoyed. "I haven't seen her since her wedding and she looks so different!"

"I gotta tell mom and Hiccup!" Bella yelled dropping the book and rushing outside. "Come on we better tell the others too!"

"Aye aye!" Snotlout cheered, leaping onto Hookfang as Bella climbed onto Star.

The two riders flew to the academy where Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs were teaching the class of how to find a dragon's weak spot.

"Kari's home! Kari's home!" Snotlout shrieked as he flew into the academy as Hookfang lit himself up and roared, getting the attention of the gang.

"Kari and Dagur are here already?" Fishlegs asked them excitedly.

"They're almost here!" Bella said landing Star. "Come on we gotta alert the whole village!"

"I wouldn't be surprised if she and her husband had the toddler with them." Ruffnut said as they dismissed the class and climbed onto their dragons.

"If she does have him I bet she named him after Stoick." Astrid said looking to the large statue. "If I remember she told me that if she or Hiccup ever had a son they'd name him Stoick in honor of his grandfather."

"Let's tell Valka!" Snotlout cheered as they flew out of the academy.

The six flew around the village yelling that the Berserkers were already past the borders. Villagers ran about yelling and getting everything prepared for Berk to look nice. By the time they had finished their work, the gang found Hiccup, Eret, Valka and Gobber standing at the docks with their dragons as the boats got closer.

"I can't believe they're finally here!" Bella squealed excitedly as she stood between her brother and mother.

"I know! Look there they are!" Hiccup hissed as the lead boat pulled up to the docks.

Two guards tossed a large wooden plank over the side of the boat to be a ramp. A girl with long auburn hair who was dressed in furs and armor stepped off the boat first and a large purple and grey Skrill hopped off as well.

"Did anyone here miss me?" She asked loudly and the Skrill made a noise as if it was laughing.

"Kari!" Bella and Hiccup yelled as Bella tackled her sister and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so so so soooooooo much!" Bella cried as her sister returned the hug.

"I missed you too Bella, I missed all of you!" Kari said releasing her sister.

"It's been too long darling." Valka said walking over and giving her daughter a hug as well. "You should visit more often."

"Well she was a little busy to be visiting." Dagur said stepping off the plank as he held a small bundle that was strapped to his chest as carefully as he could.

"What's in that?" Hiccup asked pointing to the sling.

"Oh a new addition to the family." Dagur said gesturing to the sling which had started to twitch and cry. "Oh no no no it's okay, it's okay, that was just uncle Hiccup talking about you. No need to be scared, mommy and daddy are right here." He said gently bouncing the sling as the crying calmed down.

"Oh you poor boy." Kari said with a chuckled and walked over to her husband. "I'd like you all to meet our son." She pulled a small baby out of Dagur's sling and carefully cradled him in her arms for everyone to see. "Say hello to mommy's side of the family sweetie!"

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