Happy Snoggletog To All

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A/N: No this is not a Christmas special chapter, pretty much goes with the story line but I will be adding it in later and the holiday specials will be done in the modern world

"Is this good chief?"

"A little higher Greg, yeah that's it! Right there!"

Dagur smiled as the last shield was hung onto the large tree that stood proudly in the center of the village. Large lanterns that would be lit later in the night hung from the branches as well as shields that some villagers decorated. No matter how many times he saw the tree being decorated, he always felt a sense of awe when the tree was finished.

"This looks just like the one we have back home!" Dagur turned to see his wife wrapped up in her fur cloak with Stoick in her arms. "Only ours was made out of wood and we hammered the shields onto the tree or used Nadder spikes to hang them on and the lanterns were smaller."

"Well we use a real tree for Snoggletog that we don't have to cut down." Dagur said letting the pride creep into his voice. "It's actually sacred to us."

"How so?" Kari asked, adjusting her hold on Stoick and wrapped his fur cloak around him a bit tighter.

"When Berserkers first came to this island the tree was barren and dying. One night there was a a tremendous storm and a fork of lighting struck the tree." Dagur explained. "But to our ancestors shock, the tree began to sprout leaves and became healthy again. Lightning still hits the tree but it doesn't hurt it."

"Now that's quite interesting!" Kari said with a astonished look on her face."

"Twee!" Stoick babbled and pointed to the tree. "Twee! Twee! Twee!"

"Yes that's a tree." Dagur chuckled and plucked his son from his mother's arms. "You seem to be learning a new word everyday huh?"

Recently last month, Stoick had began to learn to speak. His parents tried teaching him to say 'mama' or 'dada' but when he tried, the words came out as 'mada' and repeated it until it sounded as if he was saying 'murder' much to his parents horror.

"Let's hope he doesn't pick up any swear words from his aunts and uncles." Kari said making a face. "What sort of parents would we be if we let him do that."

"Well I am a fine example of a father." Dagur said ruffling his son's hair with one hand. "Every man should be asking how I am able to be such a great father!"

"Great father? You took him out for a ride on Shattermaster two weeks ago and tried to hide him in your dragon's mouth so I wouldn't see!"

"Can you blame me for panicking?"

"Oi lovebirds!" The two turned to see Bludgeon rushing towards them with a letter in his hand and an excited look on his face. "Terror mail from Berk!"

"Wonder what it is." Dagur said taking the letter from his cousin. "Oh well this is a surprise."

"What is it dear?" Kari asked anxiously.

"Berk is coming over to celebrate Snoggletog with us." Dagur responded, handing his wife the letter.

After taking the letter and reading it, Kari's face lit up in excitement.

"We haven't done this since we were children! And the last time we did it was not as bad asked I thought it would be!"

"What happened last time?" Bludgeon asked.

"We'll explain later, we have to prepare for my wife's family arrival!" Dagur said taking Kari's hand and walked off. "Tell the family Bludgeon that we're getting some visitors soon!"

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