If We Were Younger

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This would be how Kari and Dagur would be if they married during the Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk series. Not really connected to the story in general

Kari gave a sigh as she glanced out the window for the tenth time. Still not there.

What's taking him so long? She wondered as she went back to the table and stirred the cold soup around in the bowl.

Earlier Dagur had to leave to deal with something and she was forced to eat alone. She had poured a bowl of soup she had made herself and hoped he would like it but now it was all cold and icky looking.

She glanced up at the ceiling and prayed that their tiny son who was born a few days ago wouldn't wake up. She heard the door slam open and she dropped her gaze to see Dagur standing in the doorway and seething with anger.

"Where have you been?" Kari asked angrily, grabbing the bowl of soup and walking over to her husband. "You've had me worried sick! Do you know how many times I had been looking out the window to see if you were even coming?"

"Oh shut up." Dagur snapped. Kari narrowed her eyes and slammed the bowl of cold soup into Dagur's face and stormed away.

"Have your dinner alone then! And you can sleep by yourself tonight as well!" She yelled as she stormed up the stairs to their room. "Because I'm sleeping in the nursery with the baby!"


"Go ahead, see what my father will do!" Kari yelled back as she grabbed her nightgown and walked into the nursery.

Killer had already awaken at the sound of his father yelling and was crying loudly. Kari dropped her things and rushed over to the cradle and began to gently bounce the baby to calm him.

"And shut that baby up before I do it myself!" Dagur yelled, bursting into the room and making Killer cry louder.

"If you touch one hair on him I'll kill you!" Kari yelled hugging her son to her chest. "How dare you threaten your own son! You've scared him!"

Killer cried loudly and clutched at his mother's tunic with his little fingers as she tried to sooth him.

"Shhhh it's okay sweetie, mommy is right here. Mommy won't let daddy hurt you I promise." She cooed softly as she bounced him in her arms. "Shhhh it's okay, mommy will protect you."

Kari heard Dagur walk up behind her and braced herself for any hits. But she felt him reach around her and slip his finger into their son's tiny hands. The tiny red haired baby stopped crying and looked at his father's finger and looked at his father who was looking down at him over his wife's shoulder.

"I'm sorry my boy, I was just in a bad mood today. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm very sorry." Dagur said gently. Killer gave a small yawn and snuggled against his mother's chest, still holding his father's finger in his tiny hand.

"And I'm sorry for yelling at you too." Dagur said as he walked with Kari to the cradle and watched as she placed their son down in it. "Forgive me?"

"Fine I forgive you." Kari sighed, standing up. She felt her husband wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. "But I'm still not sleeping with you."

"You sure? It's cold tonight." Dagur said kissing her again.

"Don't get any ideas." Kari said putting her hand between her face and Dagur's and pushing his head away. "Last time we slept you hogged all the furs and I almost got sick. I'm sleeping with the baby tonight to keep an eye on him."

"Like hell you are." Dagur said. Kari felt herself being lifted up and she found herself thrown over Dagur's shoulder like a sack of sheep wool.

"Put me down! I said no!" She yelled banging her fists on his back.

"Ah my queen, you should know by now that I do what I want and when I want." Dagur said dropping her on the bed. "I thought you were smarter than that."

"Shut up!" Kari said sitting up, only to be gently pushed down again. "If the baby wakes up and I can't get up to put him to sleep, it's all your fault."

"I can fix that." Dagur left the room and came back with Killer in his arms, still sleeping and with his little thumb stuck in his mouth.

He placed the baby down next to Kari and started to remove his armor and Kari decided to take hers off as well. She removed her shoulder pads and discarded them to the side and removed her skirt but left her leggings on and kicked off her boots before climbing back onto the bed and cradled Killer to her chest.

"Gods he's so beautiful." Dagur said softly as he climbed in next to Kari and touched the cheek of their son. "Just like his mother."

"He is, isn't he?" Kari asked as she placed him down on the bed and crawled under the fur blankets. "I can't believe we made this tiny thing."

"And at such a young age too." Dagur chuckled as he crawled under the blankets as well. "Ah but it was worth it, getting married five years early. Besides when you hit that time my father actually was considering having us both marry a year later."

"No way."

"Yes way, but he and Stoick settled on you being twenty one when we married."

Kari looked down at her son and wondered if agreeing to marry Dagur almost five ears earlier was worth it. She had done it to keep an eye on him and tell her brother and father if Dagur did anything suspicious. With him suspicious of them keeping dragons to build an army, she had to find out who was it who told him. No one else outside of Berk knew they were keeping dragons..... except for Alvin.

"Well I don't mind this, just no more creating kids till later, I'm tired from Stoick and don't wanna risk getting worst." Kari said, shaking the thought of Alvin telling Dagur about the dragons. Didn't seem likely, but it could be.

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