The Heir is Born

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~Five Months Later~

"I'll be back soon, I promise." Dagur said to his wife, and bent down to kiss her swollen stomach. "Daddy will be back, behave yourself and don't give mommy any problems, okay?"

"Don't you wirry about him. You be safe as well." Kari said, touching her husband's cheek and tracing his scar with her thumb.

"I will be careful, and I promise to be a whole lot more nicer to Alvin too." Dagur said, giving his wife one final kiss and patted her swollen stomach before boarding his ship.

"Don't worry, daddy will be okay." Kari assured her son, who had started thrashing violently in her stomach. "He'll be fine."

As she walked home, Kari felt Stoick thrashing again inside her. What was going on with this child? Then she felt a stabbing pain at her side and she almost fell over.

"Someone help!" She yelled as she tried getting up and almost fell over again from the pain. "Someone please!"

"Kari what's wrong?" Lupa, One of Bludgeon's sisters asked running to her.

"I think it's the baby!" She gasped as she stood up and limped forward.

"Auntie! The baby is coming!" Lupa screamed, running over to Angelina who was hurrying over to them. "Stoick is coming!"

"It's too early!" Angelina said, helping Kari climb onto her dragon.

"Just get me home right now!" Kari yelled, gripping onto Striker's spikes tightly. "No time for the infirmary! And get someone to help deliver the baby!"

Striker flew her back to the house as quickly and carefully as he could and helped Kari limp back into the house. The pain was starting to be more unbearable now. As soon as she climbed into the bed, Kari hitched up her skirts to her waist and felt herself go into labor.

Moments later, Angelina, Eleanor, Renitia and several other women rushed in telling her to take deep breathes and to be calm.

"I wish she was here, I wish my mother was here!" Kari cried out as she tried pushing her baby out.

"It's going to be alright, just keep breathing!" Renitia said, wiping the sweat off of Kari. "Just pretend your mom is here."

"I can't!" Kari screamed as another wave of pain washed over her.

"The head is out!" Eleanor yelled looking terrified.

"Don't touch it!" Angelina yelled and positioned herself to where the baby was. "Just keep pushing Kari, keep pushing, his little shoulders are out now."

After what seemed like hours, Kari gave one final push and a scream so loud it startled the dragons, she heard the faint cry of a baby.

"Here he is." Angelina said, wrapping up something bloody and handing it to Kari. "Here is your son my dear.

Kari felt like crying when she had seen her son being placed in her arms all bloody and crying his loudly. His hair was a bright red that was sticky and matted with blood, his little pink skin felt so soft and smooth and sticky with some blood as well. She cradled her baby to her chest and began to gently cry as well.

"It's okay, mama is right here, mommy is here little one." She whispered softly as the baby's cries softened. "Mommy is  here little Stoick."

"He's so small." Eleanor said as she watched her cousin cradle her child.

"He won't make it." Renitia said quietly. "Some babies born too early never live for more than a few days."

"He will live, his mother and uncle were both born early and they lived this far." Angelina said, watching her nephew's wife and son. "He will live, because he's Dagur's son."

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