They Need You

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"Someone try to calm him down!" Heather yelled as Stoick let out another howl.

"Does he have a bottle or some sort of pacifying toy?" Hiccup yelled over the sound of his nephews screams.

"Here, give him to me!" Eret yelled. Heather handed the crying toddler over to him and he began to gently bounce him while singing softly to him. Stoick continued to cry, but they began to get softer till he was making little mumbling noises. "There we go, no need to cry now."

"We all have a reason to be upset right now." Dagur pointed out and took his son from Eret. "Especially my son."

"Mama..." Stoick cooed and reached up to touch his father's face.

"I know little guy, you want mama back and I do too, but we have no clue where she's at." Dagur said and hugged him to his chest. "She left me once already and I don't even know if this time she'll ever come back.

"I want mama Kari." Tormund whimpered and hugged Eret's leg.

"We'll find her, we have tracking dragons after all." Eret said bending down and picked him up. "She couldn't have gone so far."

"I think I know where she may have went." Hiccup announced.

"Really?" Dagur asked.

"Last night before she went home, she told me how it was unfair that you wouldn't let her go out to find where they were keeping the other weredragons." Hiccup explained. "And she said that she'd do everything in her power to break them free."

"Oh gods..." Heather whispered.

"Hiccup...if...if anything..." Dagur glanced at the fireplace and looked back to Hiccup. "If anything ever happened to her, I'd never forgive myself."

"Kari's tough, she won't let Hel claim her soul when she's close to death until she finishes what she started out to do in the first place." Eret assured Dagur. "In fact, I'll gather a search party to go find her. If anything happens we'll send a Terror for back up."

"But I want to go find her too!" Dagur protested.

"You have a village to run, and so does Hiccup." Heather pointed out and poked him in the chest. "And you have a son to look after. I'll be going with Eret and take some Berserkers to accompany us."

"If you're planning on taking just Bludgeon and Renitia, be my guest. But they don't always follow orders." Dagur said rolling his eyes. "And they can be a bit wild too."

"They'll be fine." Heather assured him. "Besides the twins will keep them busy."

"Anyone else you plan on sending to help?" Dagur asked Hiccup. "Aside from Eret?"

"I'll have to ask, Snotlout and Astrid would want to go, as well as my mom and sister."

"We better start planning today and head out tomorrow." Eret said as Tormund gave a yawn. "And I better put this one to bed."

"Not...tired..." Tormund muttered softly.

"Yes you are, now off to bed little one." Heather said taking Stoick into her arms and motioning for Tormund to follow.

As soon as she got both boys into their beds, Stoick had begun to cry loudly the second Heather shut the door.

"Don't cry Stoick, mama will come back!" Tormund assured the toddler as he crawled out of his bed and hurried over to the cradle. "My daddy promised he'll help find her! And we gotta make sure we behave ourselves before she comes back!"

Stoick stopped crying and looked up at his older brother with wide green eyes. Tormund wondered if his little brother would be anything like his mother, a weredragon as his father put it. Didn't really look like it.

"And maybe when she comes back we can celebrate Snoggletog for reals!" Tormund added and smiled. "And hopefully we can find her before her birthday and your first birthday too! Mine is coming soon and I really want her to be there, and I hope she will be there."

Stoick gave a yawn and stretched his little hand out to his brother who let him grab his finger before closing his little eyes and falling asleep.

Neither didn't notice Heather watching from the doorway. She smiled a bit as she watched Tormund slip away from the cradle and go back to his bed.

'Please come home Kari, they really need you.' Heather thought. 'Tormund, Stoick, Dagur, Hiccup, Eret, we all do. And when we find you I promise to help you free those weredragons. My own cousin is one and I really want to help her. Please be alive when we find you.'

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