Rise of the Skrill

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"Wow...I've never seen anything like this before." Hiccup said as he examined the new dragon that was thrashing around in it's cage and trying to pry the muzzle off.

"Very beautiful, but dangerous as well." Kari said with a nod. "So what are we gonna call it?"

"Seriously? You want to name that thing?!" Snotlout protested.

"What does it do?" Tuffnut asked, ignoring Snotlout.

"It spits this hard sappy stuff that trapped about three sheep." Heather answered, holding up a chunk of the stuff. "Amber Spitter? Because I've seen this sort of rock before but from trees."

"I've seen this dragon before, Drago would have a huge flock of them with these muzzles that were big enough to let them open their mouths and release this beautiful roar that attracted dragons and we'd catch them." Eret said pointing to the dragon. "We called them Winged Sirens."

"Oh I get it, because like the sirens of the myths they are very beautiful and sing to lure their prey." Astrid said and he nodded.

"Exactly, now what are you planning to do with it Kari? You caught it after all so you have a say in what to do with it." Eret asked turning to Kari.

"I would consider training it but it seems almost impossible." She said tapping her chin. "If you say this dragon lures others by it's voice then we can't have it around other dragons."

"So let's put this thing on a far away island and in a cave where no one will find it." Snotlout suggested.

"We'll think about that." Kari said. But as soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a pain in her stomach.

"Sis are you okay?" Bella asked, hurrying to her sister.

"I....I think it's back." Kari said wincing in pain.

"Let's go check." Bella said taking her out of the arena.

"This is bad, very bad." Kari moaned as Bella helped walked her to the house.

"Relax, it will be fine." Bella assured her sister. "You've been through this before, it's just gonna be a little messier."

"Oh gods why...." Kari groaned as they reached the house. "Just go back to the others, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


Kari managed to get to the bathroom and stripped her leggings and skirt off to find what she was dreading. She cursed loudly and went to the bedroom to go grab some clean leggings and a skirt and a rag as well.

"Hey guess who's home?" Kari whirled around to see Dagur enter the bedroom. His eyes landed on her and she felt her face flush with embarrassment. Then his eyes wandered to the bloody clothes on the floor.

"Ah it's finally that time again?" He asked looking back to Kari.

"Unfortunately yes." Kari replied, still feeling embarrassed.

"Where's Killer?"

"With Angelina, the others are in the arena if you wanna see them and say hi." Kari said as she began to pull on her leggings

"Well I came home to spend time with you and the baby. And then I find you....well..."

"It's been almost six weeks, I should have been more prepared." Kari groaned. Dagur walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her gently.

"Want me to heat up the bath for you and give you some of that tea that soothes the pain?" He asked her softly. Kari nodded quietly and he placed a kiss on her head. "Just wait here, I'll go get the water and find Elysia to heat it up."

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